The Corellian Droid Factory, a clandestine droid factory, was autonomously constructed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems on the Core Worlds planet of Corellia during the era of the Clone Wars.

The Corellia Droid Factory was situated within a secluded, mountainous region of Corellia referred to as the Bindreg Hills. The factory's structure comprised a network of rooms and passageways excavated into the mountainside. Access to this subterranean facility was gained through a naturally occurring cave entrance. The factory, fully automated, was engineered for the mass production of battle droids, including models such as B1-series battle droids, B2 super battle droids, and droidekas.
During the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems erected the Corellia Droid Factory as a contingency measure in anticipation of a potential invasion of Corellia. A Separatist cell successfully infiltrated Corellia, a planet aligned with the Galactic Republic, and secretly established the factory. The Confederacy intended to generate and deploy a substantial number of battle droids to instigate widespread chaos on the ground, while the main Separatist forces engaged the planetary defenses from orbit. However, the CIS bypassed Corellia during their assault on the Core Worlds and instead attacked Coruscant directly. The invasion of Corellia was never executed, and the factory remained dormant.

Following the Confederacy's defeat at the conclusion of the Clone Wars, the Corellia Droid Factory faded into obscurity. Roughly two decades later, around the time of the Battle of Yavin, the facility was eventually discovered by the droid IG-88. The assassin droid formulated a plan to utilize the factory for the production of battle droids to bolster his revolutionary droid army. Consequently, IG-88 activated the factory, initiating the manufacturing of battle droids.
In 1 ABY, the Corellian Security Force became aware of the situation after receiving reports of active, hostile battle droids from the Clone Wars era in the Bindreg Hills. A team, commanded by Lieutenant Varias and including Officers Savas, Hirka, Kener, and Mener, along with several CorSec troopers, was dispatched from Coronet to conduct an investigation. The team confirmed the existence and operational status of the factory. Despite the facility being guarded by numerous hostile battle droids, the Corellian government hesitated to deploy reinforcements, fearing that it would attract the attention of the Galactic Empire. The government worried that Imperial forces might exploit the situation as justification for deploying a substantial number of troops, thereby increasing the Empire's control over the planet. As a result, CorSec enlisted the assistance of several independent spacers to support their troops within the factory.

Upon their arrival at the droid factory, Sergeant Hirka and her squad received orders to scout the area, Sergeant Mener was assigned to engage the droids in combat, and technical officer Kener was tasked with discovering a method to shut down the facility. When Sergeant Hirka and her squad found themselves trapped by the droids, Lieutenant Varias sent spacers to their rescue. Simultaneously, spacers collaborated with Officer Kener to create a security vulnerability in the factory's control system. Other spacers were recruited by Sergeant Mener and successfully destroyed over two dozen droids. The spacers also engaged in a significant battle against a formidable prototype battle droid resembling an EV-series model. Ultimately, Lieutenant Varias directed spacers to access the control override terminal located deep within the facility. The spacers successfully reached the terminal in the facility's command center and effectively deactivated the Corellia Droid Factory. According to Varias, the spacers' intervention was crucial in containing the crisis and averting a potential disaster.
Following this setback, IG-88 later established a new droid factory on the planet Lok as a replacement for the Corellia Droid Factory.
The Corellia Droid Factory was a location featured in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts, before it closed on December 15, 2011. The Corellia Droid Factory was integrated into the game with the launch of "Game Update 12," on August 10, 2009.