Druno Kener

Druno Kener existed as a Human male employed as an officer within CorSec. He resided on Corellia during the era known as the Galactic Civil War.


Sometime after the Battle of Yavin, Druno Kener held the position of a technical officer within the ranks of the Corellian Security Force. His base of operations was located in the city of Coronet, situated on Corellia.

In the year 1 ABY, CorSec received intelligence reports detailing the presence of active, hostile battle droids dating back to the Clone Wars within the Bindreg Hills. A team was deployed from Coronet to investigate, headed by Lieutenant [Varias],(/article/varias) and included Druno Kener, fellow Officers Hirka, Mener and Savas, alongside a number of CorSec troopers. This team came across an old droid factory that was completely automated, and it was thought that the Separatists had secretly built it during the Clone Wars. CorSec was unaware that IG-88 had reactivated the factory for his Droid Revolution project.

The Corellia Droid Factory.

Being the technical officer in Lieutenant Varias's unit, Druno Kener's main objective was to discover how to deactivate the droid manufacturing facility. However, his initial task was to re-establish contact with the CorSec Headquarters located in Coronet. The factory's antiquated equipment was causing interference with communications, and the CorSec transmitter lacked the power to penetrate it. Consequently, Druno Kener instructed a spacer to reactivate the factory's emergency power generator, along with an old antenna relay, for the use of CorSec forces. Once communication was restored, Kener concentrated on shutting down the factory. He then instructed a spacer to gain access to the manual override terminals located throughout the facility. With the terminals activated, Druno Kener gained direct access to the factory's security systems. Unfortunately, the officer could only disable the backup systems, preventing the factory from being reactivated once it was shut down, rather than shutting down the facility itself. Druno Kener and Lieutenant Varias then sent spacers to access the control override terminal deep within the facility. The spacer eventually got to the terminal in the command center and successfully shut down the Corellia Droid Factory.

Behind the scenes

Druno Kener functioned as a non-player character within the 2003 video game titled Star Wars Galaxies. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts. The game was later shut down on December 15, 2011. Druno Kener was incorporated into the game as part of the "Corellian Droid Factory" storyline, which was introduced with the "Game Update 12" release on August 10, 2009.

