Officially Recognized as Canon:
- Akiva production plant , which is also referred to as the "Myrra droid factory"
- Droid factories located on Geonosis
- The primary droid foundry on Geonosis
- Mokivj droid factory
- Droid factory that is easily transported
- Droid factory belonging to the Techno Union
Deprecated Star Wars Legends Content:
- Corellia Droid Factory
- Droid plant in the Factory District
- Farquar droid factory
- Droid factories located on Geonosis
- The primary droid foundry on Geonosis
- Droid factory that is hidden
- HK Manufacturing Plant
- Hypori droid factory
- Nal Hutta droid factory
- Nar Shaddaa droid factory
- Neimoidian droid factory
- Olanet droid factory
- Palitoy Droid Factory
- Droid factory belonging to the Techno Union
- Thule droid factory
- A playset from 1979 made by Kenner , which featured Monster droids
- A toy series from 2008 to the present, produced by Hasbro and Disney
- The 2015 published book Star Wars: Droid Factory
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