Neimoidian droid factory

The Neimoidian droid factory represented a factory for droids, situated on the planet of Mustafar. It was established by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the era of the Clone Wars.


During the Clone Wars, Neimoidian separatists stumbled upon the remains of an ancient Old Republic cruiser on Mustafar. The sole inhabitant of the derelict vessel was the assassin droid known as HK-47. Upon examining the droid, Neimoidian engineers quickly discerned that HK-47 possessed superior technology. Unable to perform a memory wipe, they opted to transfer the droid's memory and thought processes into a subsystem of the crashed cruiser to facilitate the study of its advanced technology. Subsequently, Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray issued an order to construct a droid factory on Mustafar, with the objective of producing an army of battle droids based on the technological framework of HK-47. The new droid models developed by the Separatists encompassed new HK-series droids, such as the HK-57 and HK-67, along with the larger Union Sentry Droids.

Regrettably for the Separatists, the droid factory's completion occurred in the waning days of the Clone Wars. Viceroy Gunray, along with the Separatist Council, met their end via being killed shortly before the factory became operational. As the Clone Wars drew to a close, the Neimoidian separatists abandoned the facility and fled Mustafar to evade retaliation from the Galactic Empire. Only a small contingent of defense droids remained within the factory. In the aftermath of the Clone Wars, the native Mustafarians attempted to explore the factory, but their efforts were soon abandoned due to the fact that no one who entered the factory ever returned.

In 1 ABY, during the Galactic Civil War, a group of spacers employed by the Mensix Mining Company investigated the wrecked Old Republic cruiser and engaged in conversation with HK-47, who was still confined within the ship's computer systems. HK-47 manipulated the spacers into assisting him in escaping the ship's computer. The droid asserted that he could assist the Mensix Company if they transferred his memory into the droid factory's computers. The spacers agreed and made their way to the factory. There, they engaged in combat with the antiquated Separatist droids that defended the facility — B1 battle droids, B2 super battle droids, blastromech droids, and CWW8 combat droids — to gain access to the central computer. The spacers ultimately reactivated the facility, enabling HK-47 to transfer his AI into the factory's systems.

HK-47 promptly revealed his true intentions and initiated the production of a substantial droid army with the objective of eradicating all organics on the planet. HK-47's droid forces, primarily consisting of HK-77 droids, subsequently attacked the Koseyet Mining Camp. Despite the camp's weak defenses, the droid army was defeated due to the intervention of a large contingent of spacers hired by Milo Mensix. Following the battle, the spacers launched an assault on the droid factory to halt droid production. Once again, they were forced to confront numerous battle droids, including HK-58 Aurek, HK-58 Besh. Ultimately, the spacers destroyed the Doom Bringer and its hands of doom and shut down the facility. However, the deactivation of the droid factory did not affect HK-47 himself, as he had already transferred his AI from the factory back to his original body. HK-47 and the remaining forces of his army were later defeated in a climactic battle within a volcano crater.

Following the conclusion of HK-47's droid revolution, Mensix Corp assumed control of the droid factory, with the intention of selling it to the Empire.

Behind the scenes

The Neimoidian droid factory made its debut in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before its closure on December 15, 2011. The droid factory was integrated into the game with the release of the expansion pack Trials of Obi-Wan on November 1, 2005.

