
HK-67 was a type of HK-series assassin droid. It was manufactured within a Separatist droid factory of ancient make, situated on Mustafar. This factory was under the command of the renegade assassin droid known as HK-47. Following the identification of shortcomings in both the HK-57 and the later HK-67 units, HK-47 began the process of developing an improved model, the HK-77 droid.

Behind the scenes

HK-47's recorded message makes reference to this specific droid model. This message can be found on a datapad labeled "Droid Factory Records". This datapad is part of the Star Wars Galaxies expansion pack named Trials of Obi-Wan. Players obtain this datapad while undertaking missions that ultimately lead to the showdown with HK-47 during the Battle of Koseyet.

