Nym's Factory Compound was constructed upon the Lok landscape, a place where the pirate Nym once concealed his riches. During 1 ABY, the droid bounty hunter known as IG-88 initiated droid manufacturing at the compound to build its droid army; however, these plans were soon disrupted when a band of spacers triumphed over it during the Battle of Nym's Factory Compound.
The Nym's Factory Compound served as a setting in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This massively multiplayer online roleplaying game was created by Sony Online Entertainment and brought to the public by LucasArts. Its operation ceased on December 15, 2011. The Nym's Factory Compound was the location for the "IG-88" Heroic Encounter, which became available when the "Chapter 7" update was launched on November 1, 2007.