Battle of Nym's Factory Compound

The conflict known as the Battle of Nym's Factory Compound took place on Lok at Nym's Factory Compound, occurring in the year 1 ABY.


Within the confines of the compound, the droid bounty hunter designated IG-88 had established a production center for droids intended for use in its droid army. A group of spacers arrived with the intention of dismantling this operation.

The battle

Upon the spacers' entry into the compound, they were met by a wave of exploding B1-series battle droids at the entrance, but these droids were ultimately destroyed. Continuing their advance, the spacers then confronted two separate waves, each consisting of four gold droidekas. The spacers then faced a significant challenge, encountering immense B1 units armed with flamethrowers, as well as MSE-6-series repair droids that specifically targeted their artillery strikes. Despite these obstacles, the spacers once again triumphed, defeating the droid forces.

The spacers then engaged in a final confrontation with the IG-88 unit in command of the facility, which wielded both a blaster and a flamethrower, putting up a fierce fight. However, in the end, it was defeated, leading to the factory's shutdown.


It is believed that the remains of the IG-88 droid were salvaged and repaired by IG-88's droid army, as all four IG-88 droids were reportedly seen at later times.

Behind the scenes

The Battle of Nym's Factory Compound was featured in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This massively multiplayer online roleplaying game was created by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before its servers were shut down on December 15, 2011. It was included as one of the "Heroic Encounters" introduced to the game in "Chapter 7," which was released on November 1, 2007.

