The Flail

Known as The Flail, this terrorist group operated on Coruscant in the period leading up to the Battle of Naboo.

Justifying their actions with their manifesto, The Flail Manifesto, the group denounced the rampant corruption of politicians at the time, claiming they favored corporations over the average citizen. Despite accepting aliens like Twi'leks into their ranks, The Flail was predominantly composed of Humans, with aliens not being as favored. The Galactic Senate was a particular target of their accusations of corruption.

The Flail launched numerous guerrilla attacks across Coruscant, causing disruptions to communications, transportation, trade, and the weather control systems. They showed little regard for potential casualties, and inflicted damage on various structures. Upon encountering any recognized authority figure, such as a member of the Jedi Council, they would prioritize escape over confrontation.


In 33 BBY, The Flail leveled accusations of corruption against Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, which significantly damaged his reputation. Fearing his imminent removal from office, Valorum resolved to confront The Flail as his final act as Chancellor. He deployed forces from the Judicial Department, resulting in the capture or elimination of numerous Flail members, including their entire leadership.

However, The Flail managed to persist under the leadership of Corellian smuggler Zegmon Pent. Pent falsely proclaimed himself to be a Force-wielding assassin trained by the Jedi Order, a claim that his followers wholeheartedly accepted.

Attack on Valorum

Valorum made a public statement announcing the imminent imprisonment of the remaining Flail members before the upcoming Senate hearing. In response, Pent orchestrated retaliatory actions against Valorum, including issuing death threats and launching a failed attack on Valorum's aide, Sei Taria. Concurrently, Valorum and his Jedi ally, Jedi Master Mace Windu, assembled a covert strike team to thwart the Flail's impending assassination attempt on Valorum.

The Flail dispatched their explosives expert, Senn Riip Domeet, to conceal a thermal detonator on the platform where Valorum was scheduled to deliver his speech the following day. Despite being disguised, Domeet believed he had been detected and attempted to flee.

However, The Flail had developed several backup plans for such contingencies. One of these plans involved seizing control of the Weather Modulation Control Center to unleash a powerful thunderstorm upon the unprotected buildings surrounding the speech venue. Pent had created reprogramming software for the weather modulation controls and dispatched several Flail members to sabotage the machinery. However, Valorum and Windu had anticipated this move, and the terrorists were met by Valorum's newly formed security team.

The Flail immediately implemented their third contingency plan, which involved infiltrating the Traffic Control Center to remotely pilot a vehicle and crash it into the meeting building. Pent and seven agents arrived at the center ten minutes before the speech. Once again, they encountered Valorum's agents and were prevented from carrying out their assassination attempt.

Later history

During the Galactic Civil War, The Flail maintained a presence on Corellia and Talus within the Corellian system. Following the Battle of Yavin, the Corellian Security Force uncovered the Flail hideout on Talus, leading to a battle between CorSec troopers and Flail operatives. Simultaneously, the Flail was engaged in conflict with the Hidden Daggers pirate group. Notably, the Hidden Daggers were founded by a disgraced Flail cutthroat lieutenant.

In 1 ABY, an escape pod carrying a Rebel pilot crash-landed on Corellia in the wilderness near Tyrena. Although the Rebel Alliance promptly sent a rescue team, a group of Flail thugs were the first to reach the crash site. Seeking salvageable ship parts, the criminals murdered the Rebel pilot on the spot. The Flails then attacked the Rebel operatives sent to rescue the pilot, but they were all killed. The Rebel operatives later reported to Rebel Officer Acun Solari. Solari was deeply outraged that a hero of the Alliance could be assassinate without reason by common criminals. In retaliation, the officer ordered the Rebel operatives to strike at several criminal groups in the Corellian system. On Corellia, the operatives attacked a Flail camp near Tyrena and killed 15 of them.

