Acun Solari existed during the Galactic Civil War and served as an officer within the ranks of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. He is considered a figure of the time.
Following the events of the Battle of Yavin, Acun Solari established his base of operations in the city known as Tyrena, situated on the planet of Corellia.

During the year 1 ABY, an Alliance starship suffered an attack while traversing the Corellian system. One of the Rebel pilot, a close associate of Acun Solari, managed to escape in an escape pod, successfully crash-landing on Corellia. Using a radio, the pilot contacted Solari and requested immediate extraction. Reacting swiftly, the Rebel officer gathered a team of agents at the Tyrena cantina and tasked them with rescuing the stranded pilot from the wilderness. Regrettably, a group of thugs known as Flail arrived at the crash site first, seeking to scavenge valuable ship components. These criminals promptly murdered the Rebel pilot. The Flails then engaged the rescue team, but they were all killed in the ensuing conflict. The Rebel operatives then reported the tragic events to Solari. The officer was deeply angered that a hero of the Alliance who had survived an Imperial assault could be senselessly killed by mere criminals. As a result, Acun Solari started a campaign of vengeance against criminals and pirates operating within the Corellian system, believing it was the Alliance's responsibility to combat them. Consequently, the Rebel operatives raided a Flail encampment near Tyrena, eliminating 15 individuals. They also wiped out a contingent of Binayre Pirates located on Talus. Ultimately, Rebel pilots successfully destroyed a squadron of Hidden Daggers starfighters within Corellian space.

Acun Solari functioned as a non-player character in the 2003 video game titled Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011. Acun Solari was integrated into the game through the release of Publish 14.1, which occurred on March 24, 2005.
Because Acun Solari was generated using the "rebel_officer_questgiver" template, his visual representation was randomly selected from six possible appearances, changing each time the server was reset.