The Tyrena cantina represented a cantina located within the city of Tyrena, which itself was situated on the planet of Corellia.
The layout of the Tyrena cantina mirrored that of numerous other establishments of its kind found across various planets in the galaxy, suggesting a standardized, pre-built structure. A central bar was encircled by several alcoves, and a lone bartender was always present. EPT-212 droid detectors were installed at both the front and back entrances, and ample seating was provided.
During the era of the Galactic Civil War, the Tyrena cantina welcomed members of the Rebellion alongside diverse criminal figures. Shalera the Hutt frequented the cantina, accompanied by many of her subordinates. Despite the presence of these less-than-reputable characters, it was common to see multiple members of CorSec within its walls.