PB-950 patrol boat

The PB-950 Patrol Boat, a vessel manufactured by Corellian Engineering Corporation, served for a period of three centuries (years) until production ceased at the conclusion of the Clone Wars.


Widely utilized during the era of the Old Republic for system defense and customs enforcement, the PB-950's robust design and dependability made it a sought-after asset for numerous system and sector fleets.

Although a resurgence in demand occurred at the beginning of the Clone Wars, production was eventually discontinued in favor of the larger and more formidable Light corvette. Nevertheless, tens of thousands of these patrol boats continue to operate, supplementing the forces of Imperial Customs and system defense throughout the Galactic Empire. The Corellians notably employed these craft during the initial Corellian Crisis.


PB-950 deck plans

The PB-950, a tough and reliable vessel, gained notoriety for its resilience, attributed to its double-hulled construction. Furthermore, despite its age, its weapon systems possessed sufficient firepower to engage smugglers and pirates, with its standard ion cannons employed to disable ships before they could flee.

These attributes contributed to the ship's continued popularity among smugglers and pirates, who valued its durable design, even as its use in dedicated military roles diminished.

However, the ship's age resulted in a scarcity and high cost of replacement parts. To mitigate these expenses, many private owners opted to replace damaged components entirely with modern alternatives rather than attempting to source original parts. Consequently, vessels like the Lumrunner frequently underwent extensive upgrades and modifications compared to their original Clone Wars-era configurations.

Known ships

