Clantaano III

Clantaano III, also known simply as Clantaano, was a planet of the desert type situated within the Albanin sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It served as the homeworld for the Clantaani species, a group known for their nomadic lifestyle and violent tendencies. Longo Two-Guns, a notable Clantaani gunman, along with his kin, originated on Clantaano III, eventually forming a gang of Clantaani outlaws that left the planet around 32 BBY.


Clantaano III, alternatively called Clantaano, was a planet characterized by its arid desert environment. It held the third orbital position within the Clantaano system, which was located in the Albanin sector inside the Outer Rim Territories, specifically in the Slice region. The super-hyperroute called the Triellus Trade Route provided a connection between the planet and the Teth and Barab systems. Clantaano III possessed limited natural resources.


Clantaani, such as Longo Two-Guns, were native to Clantaano III.

In the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo in 32 BBY, the Clantaani relatives Longo Two-Guns and "Deadeye" Klintee distinguished themselves as skilled gunmen on their birth planet, Clantaano III. They, along with their cousin Radd Hardwikk, eventually formed a gang of Clantaani criminals, including "Black Eye" Cahoon and "Dusty" Rengo, who were both born on Clantaano, as well as Clem "Trigger" Vaneer and "Wrong Way" Wint, who was from off-world. By 32 BBY, Longo Two-Guns and his crew had relocated their activities away from Clantaano III.


Clantaano III was the original home of the sentient Clantaani species. The Clantaani were structured into several nomadic raiding tribes that were in a state of constant war with one another over the scarce resources of their planet.

Behind the scenes

Clantaano III was initially referenced in Prima Games' 2002 official strategy guide for the LucasArts video game Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, authored by David Hodgson. The planet's designation was mistakenly written as "Clantaani III" on one occasion in the guide. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas, penned by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry, situated the Clantaano system, and consequently Clantaano III, within grid coordinate U-12.


Notes and references
