Kohlma, also known as the Moon of the Dead, was a satellite orbiting the planet Bogden; this satellite is referred to as a moon.

Following a devastating war that occurred on Bogden, Kohlma was established as a memorial site, specifically a tomb, for those who perished in the conflict. Later on, it served as the clandestine base for Komari Vosa and her followers, known as the Bando Gora.
After the defeat of the Bando Gora, it also became the location where Jango Fett was enlisted by Darth Tyranus to serve as the genetic basis for the clone army during 32 BBY.
Boba Fett made a visit to Bogden in the story Boba Fett: The Fight to Survive, where he made a landing on Bogg 4. There has been speculation that Bogg 4 is actually Kohlma. However, it is more probable that Kohlma is the unnamed moon mentioned in the book, described as being "covered from pole to pole in gravestones".
Labyrinth of Evil indicates that Jango Fett was recruited by Count Dooku to be the primary template for the clone army while on Bogg 4; meanwhile, other sources suggest that his recruitment occurred on a different moon, Kohlma. However, Jango Fett's StarWars.com Databank entry stated that "a man named Tyranus approached Jango on the moons of Bogden with an intriguing proposal". This suggests that his recruitment process unfolded over a period of time, spanning multiple locations, with the final agreement being reached on either Kohlma or Bogg 4.
In The Clone Wars Campaign Guide, a typographical error occurs, spelling Kohlma as "Kholma".