Bogg 4 existed as one of the numerous satellites orbiting Bogden. This moon, Bogg 4, served as a sanctuary for small-time criminals, individuals who hunted bounties, and corrupt dock supervisors who preyed on naive ship owners, seizing their vessels if they were easily deceived.
In 22 BBY, a young Boba Fett made a trip to Bogg 4, where he entrusted his ship, Slave I, to "Honest" Gjon, who subsequently absconded with both the ship and Boba's money. Subsequently, inside The Bonny Bounty cantina, he encountered another thief named Aion. Despite Aion's pickpocketing habits, he assisted Boba in finding the Slave I at the location where Gjon intended to have it melted down. However, after they jointly stole a substantial amount of forged credits, Aion double-crossed him, taking not only his own share but also Boba's. This experience contributed to Boba's increased skepticism later in life.
According to Labyrinth of Evil, Count Dooku enlisted Jango Fett on Bogg 4 to serve as the primary genetic source for the clone army. However, other sources indicate that his recruitment occurred on another moon called Kohlma. The Databank entry for Jango Fett states that "a man named Tyranus approached Jango on the moons of Bogden with an intriguing proposal". This suggests that his recruitment process unfolded over time across multiple locations, with the final agreement being reached either on Kohlma or Bogg 4.