Mission to Coruscant (The Hunt)

The initial phase of Jango Fett's involvement in The Hunt, was the Mission to Coruscant. The objective was to locate the Bando Gora and their enigmatic leader, Komari Vosa. Tyranus chose Jango, among a select few, to confront the lethal cult, offering a substantial reward of five million Republic credits. After receiving a tip from his Toydarian acquaintance, Roz, regarding the Bando Gora's involvement in the creation of mind-altering Death sticks, which were the latest craze in the underworld, Jango traveled to the capital planet to locate Jervis Gloom, a low-level death stick dealer possessing information that could guide him to the cult.

Jango Fett chases down Jervis Gloom Jango began his search for Gloom within Coruscant's Uscru Entertainment District. After investigating various bars and nightclubs, and overcoming resistance from a gang protecting Gloom, he promptly located the young dealer's warehouse. Gloom admitted to the Mandalorian bounty hunter that Groff Haugg owned the death stick factory on Coruscant, and that he would be the one to find for more information on the Bando Gora. Following Gloom's capture, Jango made his way to the Industrial District.

To infiltrate the death stick factory, Jango utilized Gloom's transport. After a thorough search of the factory, encountering and battling Haugg's forces along the way, Jango discovered Groff Haugg's dead body, encased in a block of carbonite. Subsequently, Jango encountered Montross, his former Mandalorian rival. Montross, who had also been invited by Tyranus to participate in The Hunt, had reached Groff Haugg before Jango and, after extracting the information he could, eliminated him to gain an advantage over other participants like Jango (Montross would not realize until later on, however, that the information Haugg provided was false). Jango and Montross engaged in combat until Montross managed to escape.

With Groff Haugg deceased, Jango contemplated alternative avenues to pursue in order to locate the Bando Gora. He reasoned that for an operation of such magnitude, involving the modified death sticks, to remain relatively discreet, political involvement must be present. Examining Haugg's files, Jango discovered a holofile featuring the Twi'lek Senator, Connus Trell, demanding to be removed from Haugg's illicit activities. With Roz's assistance, Jango identified Trell's location and proceeded to his luxurious apartment situated in the upper echelons of Galactic City.

Reaching the Senator proved challenging, as Jango confronted numerous members of Coruscant's security forces, some of whom were wanted, dead or alive, by various criminal organizations they had previously antagonized. Upon finally reaching Trell's apartment, Jango dangled the Senator over the edge of his balcony, demanding information. Trell, in a state of fear, revealed to the bounty hunter that another death stick factory, associated with the Bando Gora, was located on Malastare and was owned by the Dug, Sebolto. As Jango extracted the information from Trell, a CSF gunship approached the balcony, demanding that Jango release the Senator. Jango complied, throwing Trell off the balcony, resulting in the corrupt Twi'lek's death. Following a brief but intense confrontation, Jango successfully destroyed the gunship and swiftly departed Coruscant.

After relaying the information obtained from Trell to Roz, she informed him that reaching Sebolto would not be a simple task. The only way to extract any information from the Dug would be by completing a favor for him, specifically a bounty retrieval. Roz informed Jango that Bendix Fust, an inmate of the prison on Oovo IV, was wanted alive by Sebolto. Jango then set a course for the asteroid prison.

