Connus Trell

A green-skinned male Twi'lek senator named Connus Trell held a position representing the planet of Ryloth and the Gaulus sector within the Galactic Senate during the decline of the Galactic Republic. Alongside Orn Free Taa and Chom Frey Kaa, Trell was a prominent figure in the Senate, serving as both the representative for Ryloth and the head of the Senate Investigative Committee. However, his life came to an end at the hands of Jango Fett.


Connus Trell, a male Twi'lek, was appointed to serve as a co-Senator for the Gaulus sector. He worked alongside Orn Free Taa and Chom Frey Kaa within the Galactic Republic Senate situated on Coruscant. During his time in office, Trell became entangled with the Bando Gora, a dark side-worshiping cult led by Komari Vosa. Trell, in collaboration with drug lord Groff Haugg, facilitated the trafficking of death sticks on Coruscant, acquiring the illicit substances from Sebolto, a crime lord of the Dug species from Malastare. Unbeknownst to the senator, Palpatine of Naboo, also secretly the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious, had knowledge of Trell's long-standing involvement in the narcotics trade. After his election to Supreme Chancellor, Palpatine instructed his secret Sith apprentice, Darth Tyranus, to locate a suitable template for a clandestine clone army. Sidious orchestrated a competition to determine which bounty hunter would be chosen as the template, and he was prepared to use Trell as a pawn to ensure the success of his Sith plot. Jango Fett, a bounty hunter hired to claim the bounty on the Bando Gora's leader, began tracking the trafficked narcotics (which had been laced with mind-altering substances to 'brainwash' vulnerable recruits into the cult) to locate the cult's base. After breaking into Groff Haugg's nerf-packing plant to obtain information, Fett intercepted a transmission from Trell, who had apparently developed reservations about the business and wanted out. Fett ascended the politician's apartment tower, overcoming any police officers who attempted to stop him, and infiltrated the senator's penthouse suite. Trell activated the alarm before Fett could drag him to the balcony of his residence, where he threatened to throw him to his death. As Fett threatened to strangle the Twi'lek, Trell revealed his connection to Sebolto of Malastare just as a Coruscant Security Force VAAT/e gunship arrived to resolve the hostage situation. As the CSF demanded that Fett 'release' Trell, the bounty hunter complied, but not in the way they expected, as he released the senator's neck while he dangled from the balcony. Trell fell over a thousand feet to his death, and Fett was forced to fight his way past the police. Following the incident, Fett remarked that Trell wouldn't be missed, stating that "he was as dirty as they come."

Behind the scenes

The voice acting for Trell was done by Gregg Berger.

