Chom Frey Kaa was an obese, fair-skinned male Twi'lek senator who served as the representative for the Twi'leks residing in the Gaulus sector within the Galactic Republic Senate. Alongside Orn Free Taa and Connus Trell, Kaa was a prominent voice within the Senate, but ultimately faced accusations of corruption. Similar to Senator Taa, Kaa possessed four headtails instead of the more typical two. Furthermore, unlike most Twi'leks who have four fingers and a thumb, he had only three fingers and a thumb.
Chom Frey Kaa, a Twi'lek of considerable size, was designated as a co-Senator for the Gaulus sector. During his time in office, Kaa became the financial supporter of a significant glitteryll venture on Ryloth, an activity that was against Republic regulations. Approaching Pol Secura of Ryloth's Clan Council, Kaa, aware of Secura's history as a smuggler, sought to establish a partnership: Kaa would handle the drug production, and Secura would manage the trafficking.
While in office, Kaa's involvement in the glitteryll project led to the capture of Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos and Padawan Aayla Secura, who were then drugged and dispersed across various locations. The amnesiac Vos was taken to Nar Shaddaa by the Devaronian smuggler Vilmarh Grahrk, while Kaa offered a reward for the Jedi's capture or death, showing his interest in seeing who could accomplish either task first. Through a series of betrayals, Grahrk guided Vos to Ryloth, where the enraged Jedi confronted Pol Secura about his part in the scandal. After torturing the Twi'lek into revealing Kaa's scheme, Vos and Grahrk traveled to Coruscant to bring the overweight Twi'lek Senator to justice.
On their way to the capital, Vos received a communication from Master Mace Windu of the Jedi Order, who instructed him to immediately return to the Jedi Temple for retraining. Vos disregarded Windu's order and continued his pursuit of the Senator. Immediately after landing on Coruscant, Grahrk shot Vos in the back with a stun bolt and delivered him to Senator Kaa. As Kaa celebrated over his captive, confirming his involvement in the illicit glitteryll production, Grahrk turned on his employer and returned Vos' lightsaber to him. Now free and angered by Kaa's actions, Vos prepared to kill the terrified Senator but was stopped by Master Windu. Windu had arranged for a recording device to be placed in Grahrk's droid, capturing the taped confession and bringing an end to Kaa's political career. Placing the Senator under arrest, Windu escorted Kaa out of the facility to face trial by the Supreme Court.
Without the knowledge of those involved, Kaa was merely a piece in a grand plan orchestrated by the enigmatic and concealed Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious. Sidious, who desired to turn Jedi Vos to the dark side of the Force, deemed Kaa to be a worthy sacrifice in moving the Kiffar Jedi closer to his fall.