Vilmarh Grahrk, frequently called Villie, was a male Devaronian smuggling operative operating near the conclusion of the Galactic Republic and in the nascent Galactic Empire. Known as a dedicated gambler, con man and scoundrel, Villie was involved in various shady operations with the goal of acquiring wealth and attracting women.
One of the initial schemes Grahrk participated in involved working directly for Darth Sidious. During his initial recruitment, he made insulting remarks towards Darth Maul, which resulted in a brief Force choke from the Sith apprentice. Villie, along with his relative Holmar, was assigned the task of provoking the Yinchorri to engage in conflict with the Jedi. The ensuing confrontation led to the deaths of multiple Jedi, including Council member Micah Giiett, and the capture of Holmar. Grahrk was later interrogated by the Jedi, but they determined he possessed no valuable information.

Grahrk once again drew the Jedi's scrutiny when he crossed paths with the amnesiac Quinlan Vos on Nar Shaddaa. At this point, Grahrk had once more lost his funds through gambling, which he had obtained from transporting the glitteryll that caused memory loss in Vos and his Padawan Aayla Secura. Grahrk viewed Vos as a chance to recoup his losses, and placed a wager with extremely low odds—betting that Vos would survive long enough to escape the Smugglers' Moon. Subsequently, through a series of betrayals, Grahrk managed to escape with Vos aboard his vessel, the Inferno.
From Nar Shaddaa, Grahrk transported Vos to locations including Kiffu, Ryloth, and Coruscant. During this period, Grahrk murdered Holmar and betrayed the corrupt politician Chom Frey Kaa, who was responsible for initiating the glitteryll scandal.
Grahrk was subsequently contracted to smuggle weaponry to the inmates on Kiffex, but his craft was shot down by the Kiffu Guardians, resulting in his own imprisonment. He was discovered by Quinlan Vos and his Master Tholme during their search for the rogue Aayla Secura. Grahrk felt uneasy in the presence of two Jedi, a feeling that intensified with the arrival of Masters Zao and T'ra Saa.
Although the Jedi did not permit Grahrk to leave the planet before the defeat of Volfe Karkko, Quinlan Vos agreed to accompany him as he followed the guidance of the Force.
Grahrk was also involved in Kh'aris Fenn's scheme to seize control of Ryloth. Grahrk was employed as a pilot for the Morgukai Tsyr and Bok during their abduction of Nat Secura and Tholme. Vos and Secura tracked Villie to Ord Mantell, with the hope that he would reveal the location of the prisoners. Remaining true to form, Grahrk divulged all the information he possessed to the Jedi—though only after they used the Force to influence his dice rolls. Naturally, assisting the Jedi did not prevent him from also working for his initial employers. Grahrk extracted Fenn from Ryloth before he could be forced to walk in the Bright Lands, thus rescuing both of them from significant trouble.

At some point during the Clone Wars, Grahrk incurred the wrath of Durge. Possibly as a result, in 20 BBY, Grahrk arrived at the Kashyyyk village of Palsaang, where he was permitted to reside while smuggling goods onto the planet. During this period, he formed a friendship with Chak, who began referring to him as "Uncle Villie". When the Battle of Kashyyyk occurred, Grahrk witnessed Quinlan Vos and others struggling against LM-432 crab droids and Trandoshans. Grahrk and his Wookiee companion Chak intervened in the Inferno and rescued Jedi Vos, Luminara Unduli, and other clone troopers and Wookiees.
Following this, Vos attempted to contact Khaleen Hentz, but the towering trees interfered with the holocomm. Grahrk allowed Vos to use his on the Inferno. However, Vos discovered that Grahrk had been smuggling Wookiee hidden hyperspace routes. He was about to apprehend Grahrk when it was revealed that Chak had shown him the routes, so Grahrk didn't steal them. When the actual battle of Kashyyyk commenced, Grahrk chose to fight for the Wookiees but was shot down by a Heavy Missile Platform.
Grahrk and Chak were directly in the path of a Corporate Alliance Tank Droid, but were saved by Vos' Juggernaut. Grahrk would soon reciprocate this favor, as Order 66 turned Quinlan against Commander Faie and Kashyyyk's entire contingent of clones. Grahrk discovered Vos broken and defeated next to the body of Commander Faie. Grahrk then incinerated the trooper's corpse, and when questioned by a Clone Patrol, claimed he killed and burned the Jedi, out of respect. He then proceeded to smuggle Vos off-planet and assisted the Jedi in his recovery.
Eight months after the conclusion of the war, Grahrk returned to Kashyyyk and was present at the reunion of Quinlan Vos and Khaleen.

Vilmarh Grahrk's voice was provided by Tom Kane in the game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, where he appears as a Gungan hero. His species serves as the Gungans' bounty hunter unit within the game.
Around 3 ABY, Han Solo and Chewbacca arrived in Mos Eisley to meet Grahrk so he could settle their debt with Jabba. Unfortunately for them, Grahrk had other ideas and apprehended Solo and the Wookiee, handing them over to Jabba before stealing the Millennium Falcon. However, Solo and Chewbacca managed to escape and reclaim the Falcon from Grahrk.