Pol Secura

A male Twi'lek named Pol Secura held the roles of Clan Chief for Clan Secura and was a member of the Twi'lek Ruling Council. He was also related to Jedi Knight Aayla Secura and Nat Secura as their uncle, and to Lon Secura as his brother.


Secura's death

Following the death of Aayla's father, Pol assumed responsibility for the young Twi'lek girl, only to later sell her to a local Hutt under the guise of ensuring her safety. Subsequently, motivated by the potential profits from smuggling, he engaged in the illegal trade of protected animals. These illicit activities were eventually uncovered by the Jedi, prompting the Jedi Council to dispatch Jedi Master Tholme and his Padawan Quinlan Vos to investigate. Despite initially denying any involvement in the smuggling operation, the truth emerged when a wampa previously sold to the Hutt escaped. In an act of apparent remorse, Pol consented to Aayla's training as a Jedi.

A decade later, Chom Frey Kaa contacted Pol. After Kaa's creation of glitteryll, he sought an experienced smuggler to distribute the drug within the black market. Kaa pledged to shield Pol from any repercussions, leading Pol to agree to assist him. However, the Jedi once again discovered his unlawful actions, this time sending Quinlan, accompanied by his new Padawan, Aayla. Unwilling to harm the Jedi, Pol used glitteryll to wipe their memories. Aayla became a dancer at his estate, while Quinlan was taken to Nar Shaddaa. Despite the memory wipe, Quinlan managed to recover fragments of his past and returned to Pol, seeking his Padawan. Aayla, unable to recognize Quinlan, witnessed him torture Pol with Force lightning in an attempt to extract a confession. In an effort to protect Pol, Aayla used Force Push to knock both Quinlan and Pol off a balcony. Quinlan was the sole survivor of the fall.

