Eixes Valorum was an individual who belonged to the Valorum family hailing from Coruscant. Progressing in his political career, he achieved the position of senator and subsequently held the office of Supreme Chancellor, which occurred sometime before 62 BBY. The initial suggestion for his Chancellorship occurred during one of the yearly exclusive meetings on the Sojourn moon, which were hosted by Caar Damask. His term as Chancellor stood out for an elegance and flair that would not be matched until the time of Thoris Darus's chancellorship.
He held the distinction of being the final Supreme Chancellor to deliver a State of the Republic address before Palpatine assumed the role.
Within the novel Labyrinth of Evil, his name appears as Valorum Eixes. It is probable that this represents an error during the editing process, given that the family name is not presented first in any other instance. He is identified as Eixes Valorum within the novel Darth Plagueis.