In 3963 BBY, the Jedi Order invaded the Draay Estate when Jedi Master Xamar sought to absolve Jedi Covenant founder Krynda Draay by declaring himself a key instigator in the Padawan Massacre of Taris from a year prior. While the fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick—falsely accused of the murders by the Covenant's First WatchCircle—endeavored to establish his innocence, Xamar captured him and, following a discussion with the Jedi High Council, exonerated the young Human. Subsequently, Xamar, in collaboration with the High Council and Carrick, conceived a strategy to end the Covenant's clandestine operations and bring his fellow WatchCircle members to justice, which involved Carrick feigning complete allegiance to the dark side of the Force. With Carrick in "captivity" and seemingly enthralled by an ancient Sith artifact referred to as the Muur Talisman, Xamar escorted both the fugitive Padawan and his associate, Marn Hierogryph, to the Draay Estate on Coruscant, with the intention of having Krynda examine them, during which time Xamar planned to secretly transport her to safety. However, they were instead confronted and denied an audience by Krynda's son and leader of the First WatchCircle, Lucien.
As Lucien was on the verge of executing Carrick, thereby eliminating the last remaining witness to the Padawan massacre, Haazen, the Covenant's de facto leader and Draay family administrator, intervened to seize control of the situation. Carrick then managed to escape his captors while delivering what appeared to be a dark side–fueled rant, signaling Xamar to depart and gather his forces—those Knights loyal to the true Jedi Order and not the Covenant. Meanwhile, Haazen exposed Carrick as a fraud and revealed his talisman as a fake, but as he attempted to interrogate the Snivvian Hierogryph, Xamar returned with numerous operatives from the High Council, who then engaged the members of the Jedi Covenant in combat. As the battle intensified throughout the Draay Estate, Haazen revealed his own betrayal by issuing the command of Vindication to all Covenanters, an order that incited all those loyal to him and his secret organization to revolt against the Council's authority. Haazen's schemes led to widespread destruction within the Draay Estate, and many Jedi were killed—including Xamar.
In the aftermath of the devastation caused by the Great Sith War, a distinguished Jedi Consular named Krynda Draay established a clandestine organization known as the Jedi Covenant, with the explicit objective of predicting and preventing the resurgence of the Sith at all costs. Among the Covenant's members was the assistant to Krynda's deceased husband Barrison, the unsuccessful Jedi student Haazen. Unlike Barrison, Haazen had survived the war, despite losing three limbs after he secretly betrayed Draay to the Sith. Subsequently, he covertly maintained his dual allegiance by actively participating in Covenant affairs while simultaneously manipulating their endeavors from behind the scenes as an agent of the dark side.

In 3964 BBY, the Covenant's hidden intentions were nearly exposed when their leading group of seers foretold the rise of the Sith among their own Padawans. Consequently, they murdered their apprentices, but through sheer luck, one of the Padawans, Zayne Carrick, managed to escape. The First WatchCircle members attributed the killings to Carrick, forcing him and his companion Marn Hierogryph into becoming fugitives. Two of the seers met their demise a year later while pursuing Carrick, although he was not directly responsible for their deaths. While attempting to prove his innocence and uncover the Covenant's involvement in the Padawan massacre, Carrick discovered information linking the organization to a collection of Sith artifacts that had been concealed from the Jedi High Council. Carrick returned to Coruscant to present his evidence to the Council but was apprehended by the Khil seer Xamar, who brought him before members of the Jedi High Council in an effort to negotiate favorable terms. Xamar, realizing that Krynda's son Lucien had actually authorized the massacre, revealed the truth of the First WatchCircle's guilt in testimony before the Council. He then agreed to assist Councilors Vrook Lamar and Vandar Tokare in orchestrating the Covenant's downfall, provided that Krynda was granted immunity, as he believed she had only played a minor role in its operation. The Jedi Masters then devised a plan that involved Xamar bringing Padawan Carrick—who would pretend to have succumbed to the dark side of the Force—to the Covenant's headquarters, the Draay Estate. After requesting an audience with Krynda, Xamar intended to whisk her away to safety, after which a force of Jedi Knights loyal to the High Council would converge upon the Estate and arrest the Covenant members.

While Masters Lamar and Tokare departed to assemble the necessary Jedi Council supporters, Xamar escorted Carrick and his associate, Marn Hierogryph, into the Estate. To further reinforce his fabricated fall to the dark side, Carrick wore red-yellow contact lenses and carried a counterfeit version of the Muur Talisman, a Sith amulet highly coveted by the Covenant. However, Carrick's lightsaber was concealed within the replica, in case the plan deteriorated more rapidly than Xamar anticipated. The Khil Master presented his "prisoners" to fellow WatchCircle members Lucien and Q'anilia. Hierogryph, however, played along with the deception, asserting that the Talisman had corrupted Carrick, who had since been employed by the Snivvian. In response, Lucien activated his lightsaber and prepared to strike Carrick down, but Xamar intervened and demanded that he be presented to Draay's mother for examination. Haazen arrived at that moment and denied access to Krynda, instead offering to investigate the rogue Padawan. Xamar insisted on seeing Krynda, but Lucien perceived Carrick as a threat and also refused to grant Xamar an audience with his mother. Suddenly, Carrick broke free from his restraints and launched into what appeared to be a dark side–inspired tirade; he then claimed to possess more Sith artifacts than just the Muur Talisman, a statement that piqued Haazen's interest and surprise. Xamar corroborated the story and was ordered by Haazen to retrieve them. Although Krynda had not been rescued as originally planned, Xamar seized the opportunity to make his exit and rejoin the legion of Jedi gathered by Masters Lamar and Tokare, who were waiting outside the Draay Estate for the signal to attack.
Meanwhile, Haazen instructed two of his servants, Covenant agents Garragor and Klydeker, to retrieve his diagnostic equipment, which he intended to use during his examination of Carrick's supposed dark side possession. Against Q'Anilia's warnings, Haazen approached Carrick and seized him by the throat, while also confiscating the false Muur Talisman, which revealed the lightsaber hidden within. As Lucien and Q'Anilia identified Hierogryph as the mastermind behind Carrick's treachery, Haazen advanced upon the Snivvian, who pleaded for help. Carrick attempted to intervene but was interrupted by the sound of security alarms—Xamar's forces had launched their offensive and stormed the Draay Estate in an attempt to arrest all the members of the Jedi Covenant.
As Xamar's forces advanced further into the Estate, Haazen contacted all Covenanters and issued the command of "Vindication," ordering them to attack the Jedi High Council and its loyalists, whom Haazen claimed had been infiltrated by the Sith. He also revealed that he had been manipulating Lucien Draay all along, using him—in his position as a member of the Jedi High Council—to incite insurrection within the Order. Carrick then revealed Xamar's plot to halt the Covenant's activities, but Haazen was prepared; he stopped their advance by causing an explosion that destroyed the Estate's skybridge, eliminating the Council-loyal Jedi's possibility of escape. Assuming control of the Republic Navy in orbit over Coruscant, Haazen then initiated another command that caused the fleet to fire upon what remained of the bridge, resulting in the deaths of many Jedi, including Master Xamar. Much of the Estate was caught in the blast as well, and as Carrick, Hierogryph, Draay, and Q'Anilia recovered from the explosion, Haazen stood before them and declared his allegiance to the Sith, a secret he had kept since the end of the Sith War.
The showdown in the Draay Estate appeared in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 32, penned by John Jackson Miller and brought to life by the illustrations of Brian Ching and Michael Atiyeh. This confrontation marked the initial significant event within Miller's Vindication narrative arc, leading to the demise of several key figures from Knights of the Old Republic, including Haazen, the primary antagonist of Vindication.