First WatchCircle

The First WatchCircle was a collective of Jedi Seers operating within the Jedi Covenant. This group was made up of five Jedi Masters, each devoted to preventing the return of the Sith.



The WatchCircle's members were hand-picked from a cohort of students training at the Draay Estate on Coruscant. Feln, Q'Anilia, Raana Tey, and Xamar were considered the most gifted seers among all the students under Krynda Draay's tutelage. Krynda's own son, Lucien, held the position of Hand, a role suggested by Krynda's retainer, Haazen. His duties included managing travel arrangements and providing protection. After being knighted, these five Jedi were frequently assigned to the same postings. This was largely due to the Covenant's manipulations, ensuring the four Seers could collaborate closely.

Even though the Covenant was a clandestine organization operating independently of the Jedi High Council, the First WatchCircle's members belonged to the Order and were accountable to the newly established Council if they wished to maintain their secrecy. Simultaneously, they instilled in their students the belief that the Jedi's primary responsibility was to avert the Sith's resurgence.

Assignment on Taris

The Padawan Massacre.

During the Mandalorian Wars, the group was stationed on Taris at the local Jedi Tower. The Jedi High Council assigned them Padawans, much to the chagrin of the five masters, who felt they needed to concentrate on their mission to locate the Muur Talisman, an ancient artifact hidden somewhere on Taris.

While meditating on the Rogue Moon, the four seers experienced a vision foretelling the return of the Sith and the downfall of the Jedi Order. Convinced that one of their Padawans would become the Sith depicted in their visions, they resolved to eliminate the threat by murdering their Padawans during their knighting ceremony. However, Lucien's Padawan, Zayne Carrick, arrived late, disrupting their plan. Q'Anilia's Padawan, Shad Jelavan, questioned why Zayne was being knighted, forcing the Masters to execute the four students present. Zayne arrived at that precise moment and managed to escape. The WatchCircle publicly blamed Carrick for the murders and placed a bounty on the surviving Padawan. After repeated failed attempts to capture Carrick, the High Council summoned the five back to Coruscant in an effort to regain control of the situation.

Separation anxiety

Lucien and Zayne are reunited.

Upon their meeting with the Jedi High Council, the Masters were swiftly reprimanded for their incompetence in both training their Padawans and failing to detect the darkness within Zayne. When Master Lucien requested permission for himself and his fellow Masters to lead the search for his former Padawan, Master Vrook Lamar firmly denied the request.

Master Vrook had grown increasingly suspicious of the group, unaware of their true allegiance. He found it peculiar that these five Masters consistently ended up together, regardless of their location. To address this, Master Vrook inadvertently disbanded the First WatchCircle by reassigning each of the five Masters to different postings throughout the galaxy.

Despite being separated, the five masters maintained contact. With Raana Tey assigned to the Chancellor, Q'Anilia assisting war refugees, and Lucien aiding Haazen and the Covenant, the group's effectiveness dwindled. Raana began experiencing recurring, debilitating nightmares, rendering her incapable as a seer.

After the destruction of the Courageous, Draay, believing Zayne to be dead, was informed by Haazen that Arkoh Adasca, now the head of Adascorp, was orchestrating a sinister plot. Lucien was tasked with investigating the situation and uncovering the source of the dark power. During a meeting with Arkoh aboard his flagship, the Arkanian Legacy, Arkoh drugged Lucien, rendering him comatose. Lucien found himself imprisoned alongside his presumed-dead Padawan, Zayne Carrick, and the two were compelled to collaborate to escape. Although Lucien attempted to kill Carrick, he was forced to flee before succeeding.

Raana Tey duels with Carrick moments before her death.

On Taris, the Mandalorians, under the command of Cassus Fett, had already besieged the planet. Raana Tey located the missing senator Haydel Goravvus, who was leading the Taris Resistance. Tey manipulated Shel Jelavan, the sister of the deceased Padawan Shad Jelavan, instructing her to find Carrick and exact revenge for her brother's murder. After Shel betrayed her at the Jedi Tower, Raana attempted to prevent Zayne's escape by leaping onto the roof, where she sustained severe injuries. The tower was destroyed, along with Raana, when Marn Hierogryph detonated explosives at its base.

During Raana's funeral on Coruscant, the remaining seers of the WatchCircle experienced a vision involving the Muur Talisman and intelligent rakghouls capable of wielding weapons and operating ships. According to Zayne and three others, one dark armored, a calm one and a pirate, everything is happening now. Concluding that Zayne would succumb further to the dark side if he acquired the Talisman, Lucien dispatched Covenant Shadow Celeste Morne to retrieve it.

Haazen later used his influence to secure Lucien a position on the Jedi High Council, enabling the Shadows to operate more freely. Following his appointment, Haazen informed Lucien that Morne had arrived at Odryn. Feln returned to his home planet, where the Covenant was secretly testing Sith artifacts, to rendezvous with Celeste, only to discover Zayne and Gryph captured by the Feeorins. Suspecting that Zayne had killed Celeste and been further corrupted by the Talisman, Lucien ordered Option Ossus, which would obliterate the Sanctum of the Exalted. However, Haazen intervened, unwilling to lose such a valuable station. Following a holographic dispute, Feln decided to beat Zayne into submission. But when Zayne's allies returned to rescue him, Feln misinterpreted it as a raid and destroyed the Sanctum. This act also destroyed the village below, enraging the villagers, who killed Feln, fulfilling his role in the Rogue Moon Prophecy.

The breaking of the Circle

After Feln's death, Lucien had Master Xamar assigned to the Republic Navy. Xamar reluctantly complied, recalling that his part in the Rogue Moon Prophecy involved being killed by friendly fire from Republic ships. However, Xamar began to question the WatchCircle's actions and, after capturing Zayne Carrick and Marn Hierogryph on Coruscant, confessed to the Council what he and his fellow Covenant members had done, hoping to exonerate Krynda, to whom he remained loyal. Xamar then accompanied Zayne, disguised as a Sith, to the Draay Estate to lure Krynda into the open and rescue her. Unfortunately, Haazen saw through the deception and revealed himself as a servant of the dark side. This proved fatal to Master Xamar, who was killed when a fleet under Haazen's command, having sliced the Vanjervalis Chain, fired upon the Draay Estate. He then revealed that Zayne, Gryph, Lucien, Q'Anilia, and Haazen himself were the figures in Krynda's Prophecy of the Five.

As chaos erupted at the Estate, Q'Anilia rushed to find Krynda. Upon discovering what she believed to be her Lady's lifeless body, the Miraluka poisoned herself, ending her life. With the Draay Estate in ruins and all members except Lucien dead, the WatchCircle ceased to exist.

