Raana Tey is present as Krynda Draay has a vision of the Five on Coruscant.
The Prophecy of the Five originated from a Force vision experienced by Jedi Master Krynda Draay in 3988 BBY. Within this vision, she foresaw a future conflict with the dark side of the Force involving five significant individuals. These figures were vaguely identified by their allegiances, and Krynda predicted they would lose what was built between them. Raana Tey, a young Togruta seer undergoing training under Krynda, overheard the vision. Years later, during their duel on Taris within the Jedi Tower, she recounted the prophecy to Zayne Carrick. She appeared to connect the Five to the Sith threat that she and the other Masters of the First WatchCircle had foreseen in the Rogue Moon Prophecy, as well as to their own Padawans, five who would see the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order crumble. Carrick countered that it might have been about "five treacherous evil Jedi Masters."
In reality, the Masters of the First WatchCircle and their Padawans did number five each, but Raana Tey, Q'Anilia, Xamar, Feln, and Lucien Draay committed the murder of their respective students. Zayne, Lucien's Padawan, managed to escape, leading to his wrongful accusation for the deaths of his peers. After he began to expose the Jedi Covenant, the group to which they belonged, the Masters were removed from Taris and assigned new posts. Feln and Raana Tey met their ends, and Xamar confessed to the Jedi Council before being killed by the Republic fleet. Following these events, Krynda's assistant, Haazen, declared that the prophecy had been fulfilled.
Haazen later revealed that he had manipulated the prophecy for years to his own ends. He then declared the true identities of the figures in the prophecy:
- Lucien was the one aligned with darkness. Despite being a Jedi master, Lucien was manipulated by Haazen and neglected by Krynda from his youth, slowly drowning himself in the Dark side. Misguided by his friends' prophecy and blinded by love for his mother, Lucien orchestrated the Padawan Massacre, which left Taris undefended against the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders and escalated the war.
- Zayne Carrick represented the light. As Lucien's former padawan, Zayne embarked on a series of adventures to clear his name. He eventually pressured Haazen to carry out Vindication. Despite his efforts to redeem his fallen master and stopping Haazen's plot, this furthered the rift between the Jedi Order and the Revanchist, foreshadowing the civil war between the two factions.
- Q'Anilia was the one of the light standing in the darkness. A Miraluka Jedi seer, born without sight, she foresaw the death of Krynda Draay, which advocated Lucien's rush to action. Believing her prophecy had come true, she fell into despair and took her own life.
- Gryph was the one of the darkness standing in the light. A notorious criminal and con artist, he was framed alongside Zayne, and the two worked together to uncover the Covenant's secrets and prove their innocence. His actions led to the deaths of four members of the First WatchCircle and fulfilled their last prophecy.
- Haazen was the one who stood apart. A Dark Jedi who used his position as the secret leader of the Jedi Covenant to gain Jedi authority and Sith artifacts, he betrayed the Covenant's original purpose and launched an insurrection that resulted in its destruction and his own demise.
The Jedi Covenant, which Krynda and Haazen had spent decades building, ultimately collapsed as each figure in the prophecy played a role in its downfall.