Mission to the Jedi Tower

In the year 3963 BBY, the Taris Resistance embarked on a mission: the destruction of the Jedi Tower situated on Taris.

The mission

Carrick's arrival at the Jedi Tower, intended to be an assault on Cassus Fett, led to a discovery from a Mandalorian soldier: Fett had already departed the tower, now leading the assault against the Taris Resistance. Sadly for the Mandalorian messenger, Raana Tey ended his life and subsequently attacked Zayne after he told her she was insane. Zayne, thanks to the jetpack integrated into his armor, skillfully evaded Raana for the majority of their duel, despite a minor injury inflicted by Tey's blade.

Despite her deteriorating health, Raana managed to disarm Zayne and even deflect his blaster shots when he tried to use it. Zayne implored the Jedi Master to recall her teachings and cease the duel. In a fit of rage, Raana hurled him into the glass ceiling and destroyed his jetpack with her lightsaber. Summoning Zayne's lightsaber to her, Raana then revealed the Prophecy of Five, foretelling the downfall of both the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order, to which Zayne responded that the prophecy referred to five 'treacherous evil' Jedi Masters. As Raana prepared to deliver the final blow with both lightsabers, Shel Jelavan impaled the Jedi Master through the torso with her brother's lightsaber. After confessing to Zayne that she did not blame him for her brother's death, Gadon Thek and Marn Hierogryph assisted them in their escape from the Jedi Tower.

Upon witnessing Raana Tey's impending death without his intervention, Zayne offered to save her, even without expecting a confession. She attempted to use her lightsaber to free her hand, but Gryph misinterpreted this action as an attack and detonated the explosives, causing the Tower to collapse.

In her final moments before falling to her death, Raana Tey requested that Zayne convey her apologies to Krynda.

