
Garragor, existing around 3963 BBY, was a member of the Jedi Order. He demonstrated unwavering allegiance to Krynda Draay, the founder of the Jedi Covenant, which was a clandestine Jedi group dedicated to preventing the return of the Sith.

GarragorAndKlydeker-KotOR32 Haazen giving an order to Garragor and Klydeker When Zayne Carrick, a fugitive padawan, was brought inside Draay Estate by Jedi Master Xamar, Garragor, along with numerous other Jedi, was present during the confrontation between Zayne and his former master, Lucien Draay. During this event, Haazen, Krynda's assistant, instructed Garragor and his Jedi colleague Klydeker to retrieve diagnostic tools from a large red container nearby. Unbeknownst to them, the case also held Sith artifacts, a fact that came to light when Haazen seized control of the Covenant and revealed his allegiance to the dark side of the Force.

Later, he was discovered lying beside Klydeker in a courtyard, having been felled by Haazen after they attempted to halt his descent into madness.

