Mission to Hrakert Station

The Hrakert Station confrontation unfolded during the Jedi Civil War, pitting Revan, the one-time Dark Lord of the Sith now a redeemed Jedi Padawan, against Darth Malak's Shadow Hand, Darth Bandon, the reigning Dark Lord. This clash occurred at Hrakert Station, a Republic facility dedicated to kolto harvesting, situated on Manaan, the homeworld of the Selkath. The ensuing lightsaber duel concluded with the deaths of Bandon and his two Dark Jedi allies.


In the year 3956 BBY, the final year of the Jedi Civil War, Revan, formerly a Dark Lord of the Sith but now a Republic soldier suffering from amnesia, aided Bastila Shan, a Jedi Knight, in her escape from the destruction that befell Taris, a sprawling ecumenopolis. Following their journey to Dantooine, Revan underwent retraining as a Padawan under the guidance of the local Jedi Council. Upon completing his training, the Council charged Revan with locating the Star Forge, an ancient Rakatan space station then under the control of Darth Malak, Revan's former Sith apprentice and the current Dark Lord.

After finding the fourth Star Map of Rakatan origin, crucial for pinpointing the Star Forge's whereabouts, Darth Bandon, Malak's apprentice and Shadow Hand, along with two Dark Jedi, intercepted Revan and his companions at Hrakert Station, a Republic kolto harvesting center, on Manaan, the homeworld of the Selkath.

The duel

Darth Bandon revealed to Revan his disappointment that another might have slain the Jedi, thus denying the Sith Lord the satisfaction of personally eliminating Revan. Bandon asserted that the Jedi would be no match for him, despite the Jedi's prior killing of the bounty hunter Calo Nord on Tatooine. The former Dark Lord inquired about Bandon's presence at the station, to which Bandon responded that he had utilized the same underwater route previously employed by Darth Revan and Darth Malak in their quest for the Star Forge. Revan vowed that Bandon would atone for the death of Trask Ulgo, a Republic ensign, whom Bandon had killed during a attack led on Bastila Shan's Republic warship, the Endar Spire, above Taris. However, Bandon dismissed Revan's words as meaningless, and asked Revan if he wished to beg for his life. Bandon and his two Dark Jedi comrades then engaged Revan and his allies in a lightsaber duel, but were ultimately overcome by the former Sith Lord and his companions.


Not long after his demise, Bandon's head was severed from his body by Sith Acolytes, who, sensing power within it, preserved it. For over 300 years it remained in that state, eventually being placed in the House Alde Royal Museum on Alderaan during the era of the Cold War.

Behind the scenes

The Hrakert Station mission was first depicted in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, a video game released in 2003 and developed by BioWare.

The planet where Revan faces Bandon is determined by the order in which the fourth of the five Star Maps leading to the Star Forge is acquired. Bandon might confront Revan on Tatooine, the desert planet; Kashyyyk, the Wookiee homeworld; Manaan; or Korriban, the Sith tomb world. Bandon could also challenge Revan if he went back to the locations of the second and third Star Maps.

