Eejee Vamm, a Duros of male gender, functioned as the personal assistant to Adascorp's CEO, namely Arkoh Adasca, amidst the Mandalorian Wars. Initially a humble factory employee, Adasca handpicked Vamm to undergo cybernetic augmentation. These implants would empower Vamm to oversee all of Adasca's data and directly interface with the computer networks aboard Adasca's flagship, known as the Arkanian Legacy. Positioned in his crow's nest on the Legacy, he became central to Adasca's strategy. This plan involved auctioning off the devastating capabilities of enormous exogorths to the warring factions of the Mandalorian Wars, aiming to establish Adasca as a dominant power within the galaxy.
In the year 3963 BBY, Vamm successfully located Gorman Vandrayk, a reclusive scientist from the Arkanian Offshoot. Vandrayk possessed the unique knowledge to control the exogorths, making him critical to Adasca's scheme. However, shortly following the commencement of Adasca's auction, Rohlan Dyre, a Mandalorian, murdered Vamm. This act was prompted by Dyre's discovery that Jarael, Vandrayk's Offshoot friend, shared the genetic markers of Arca Jeth, a Jedi Master and revered hero in Arkanian lore.
Eejee Vamm, a Duros of male persuasion, was an employee of The Adasca BioMechanical Corporation of Arkania, more commonly referred to as Adascorp. Adascorp was the most prominent bioengineering enterprise within the galaxy during the years preceding the Mandalorian Wars. Vamm, after serving as a menial worker at one of Adascorp's offworld factories, was presented with an unexpected opportunity that would change his life. Arkoh Adasca, the CEO of Adascorp, was in search of a personal assistant. Adasca determined that a Duros would be the most suitable candidate to receive the necessary cybernetic implants required to access and process Adasca's extensive data. Despite Vamm's relative obscurity within Adascorp, he was the chosen one. The Duros never fully understood the reason for his selection, but he speculated that it was due to Adasca having a droid named Eejee during his childhood. As Adasca's aide, Vamm's station was in the crow's nest of the Arkanian Legacy. The crow's nest was equipped with hundreds of holoscreens displaying information from across the galaxy. Vamm underwent cybernetic implantation in his head, enabling him to access and process data from Arkania's computer networks. Vamm also had control of many of the ship's systems and observed all events taking place on the Arkanian Legacy. As one of the few non-pureblood Arkanians on the Arkanian Legacy, Vamm spent much of his adult life connected to computer networks and monitoring viewscreens, searching the galaxy for a specific individual: the elusive Arkanian Offshoot scientist Gorman Vandrayk.
Vandrayk, a former Adascorp employee, discovered the means to access and manipulate the minds of the massive, enigmatic space slug species known as the exogorths. However, he fled after learning that Adascorp intended to weaponize the creatures, remaining on the run for over 30 years. Adascorp had been pursuing him relentlessly, and by the time the Mandalorian Wars erupted between the Galactic Republic and the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, Adasca had conceived a plan to elevate Adascorp to a position of galactic dominance. This plan involved selling the destructive capabilities of the exogorths to one of the warring factions, effectively determining the victor of the war and compelling the winning side to pay tribute to him. To achieve this, Adasca relentlessly searched the galaxy for any sign of Vandrayk, and in 3963 BBY, he finally succeeded in locating his target. Vamm stumbled upon a security recording from the banking world of Telerath that featured an Arkanian Offshoot whom the Duros suspected to be Vandrayk. A remote retinal scan confirmed the man's identity as the fugitive scientist. Vamm immediately contacted Adasca, informing his boss that he had found what they had been searching for. However, while Vamm had discovered Vandrayk's location, it still took time for Adascorp to capture the Offshoot.

Despite Vandrayk's continued evasion, Adascorp experienced a stroke of luck when he was compelled to return to Arkania for medical treatment. This allowed Adasca to manipulate his friend Jarael into bringing the ailing scientist aboard the Arkanian Legacy. Vandrayk was indeed critically ill, his condition stemming from a severe allergic reaction to molds and allergens present in the vents of his old junk hauler, The Last Resort. However, after Vamm expedited the scientist's access to treatment, he and Adasca isolated Vandrayk from his companions by fabricating a fictitious disease known as "Balinquar's Virus." The medical staff aboard the Arkanian Legacy successfully nursed Vandrayk back to health, and Vamm sent holomessages to Jarael in her quarters, assuring the scientist that she was unharmed. Upon completing the call, Vamm made it clear to the revived Vandrayk that he would be compelled to continue his work controlling the exogorths, and that Jarael would be held hostage until the task was completed. Despite Vandrayk's improved health, Vamm maintained the pretense that he was in critical condition, sending Jarael daily holomessages depicting her friend in a comatose state within a quarantine ward. As Adasca's aide, Vamm also attended to the practical requirements of Adasca's plans, which were now set in motion. Vamm was tasked with sending invitations to the relevant parties involved in the Mandalorian Wars, enabling Adasca to host his exogorth "auction" within the Omonoth system, where a collection of dormant exogorths had been discovered. The Duros followed Adasca's instructions, but at Vamm's suggestion, Adasca conveyed the invitation to Mandalorian leader Mandalore the Ultimate through Vandrayk's Mandalorian companion Rohlan Dyre.
As the Arkanian Legacy embarked on its lengthy journey to the Omonoth system, Adasca began to display a heightened interest in Jarael, sensing a peculiar "purebloodedness" within the Offshoot girl. While Vamm was suspicious of Adasca's interest, as the Offshoot did not align with his usual preferences, Adasca instructed Vamm to gather all available information about Jarael, including obtaining a blood sample for comprehensive analysis. Meanwhile, the Arkanian Legacy arrived at its destination, Omonoth, and met with the interested parties attending Adasca's auction, none of whom were fully aware of what was being offered: a small contingent of Republic Navy survivors from the Battle of Serroco, led by Admiral Saul Karath; Mandalore the Ultimate and a sizable group of warriors; and Alek, the second-in-command of the Jedi Order's Revanchist faction, which advocated for Jedi intervention in the Mandalorian Wars. However, Vamm detected an additional, unplanned arrival, recognizing him as another Jedi: Jedi Master Lucien Draay, an old acquaintance of Adasca's and a member of the clandestine Jedi Covenant group of seers, who had surmised that Adasca was engaged in some form of illicit activity. Vamm arranged a meeting between the surprised Adasca and Draay in Adasca's lounge. Adasca, unwilling to accommodate a circumstance he had not foreseen, instructed Vamm to poison Draay with tainted wine and confine him within the ship's brig.
With Draay seemingly neutralized, Vamm initiated a test of the exogorths' destructive capabilities, but was unable to oversee the subsequent auction. He had received word from the labs that Jarael's blood sample had yielded astonishing results. Adasca dispatched Vamm to the lab, where the Duros was stunned by the findings: Jarael shared DNA with the deceased Jedi Master Arca Jeth, one of the most celebrated heroes in Arkanian society. However, before Vamm could communicate this information to Adasca, Rohlan Dyre, seeking to keep the knowledge to himself, broke into the lab and fatally shot Vamm with a blaster. With Vamm's death, Adasca's plans began to unravel. Vandrayk commanded the exogorths to attack the Arkanian Legacy, tearing the ship apart and killing the eighth and final Lord of House Adasca. The remains of the Arkanian Legacy, left derelict and listing in contested space, were abandoned after the failure of Adasca's scheme. However, later in the Mandalorian Wars, a Republic force led by Admiral Karath and Alek retook Omonoth long enough to salvage the remains of the Arkanian Legacy. Among other things, they found Vamm's mutilated corpse in the lab in which he fell. The mutilation was unusual for Mandalorians.
Despite the history of genocidal speciesism exhibited by Arkoh Adasca and his lineage, the Duros Eejee Vamm was characterized by his unwavering loyalty to Lord Adasca. Adasca was the man who had elevated him from a life of anonymity as a simple factory worker to a position as the personal aide to one of the most influential captains of industry in the galaxy. Vamm's life was consumed by his dedication to his job. He worked tirelessly to assist in the execution of Adasca's plans and displayed hostility towards beings like Gorman Vandrayk who opposed Adasca's vision. Nevertheless, despite his deference to Adasca, Vamm was not afraid to occasionally challenge his boss and was among the few whose counsel Adasca valued, despite the fact that Adasca still looked down on Vamm because of his species. Vamm's crucial role in Adasca's daily operations often went unnoticed by most of the people he encountered, but Adasca relied on the Duros a great deal, and he played a pivotal role in Adasca's plan for galactic prominence. As a Duros, Vamm possessed green skin and red eyes, and he typically wore an orange jumpsuit while working on the Arkanian Legacy.
Eejee Vamm made his initial brief appearance in Knights of the Old Republic 13, an issue of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic comic book series. The issue was penned by John Jackson Miller and released in 2007. Following his debut, Vamm evolved into a significant supporting character in the subsequent story arcs Nights of Anger and Daze of Hate, where he was utilized to illustrate Miller's theme of class and racial division. Vamm was originally illustrated by Dustin Weaver in Days of Fear, and was additionally drawn by Harvey Tolibao and Bong Dazo in his subsequent appearances.