Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Nights of Anger

Nights of Anger represents the fifth story arc featured within the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic comic book series, accessible here.

Story Synopsis

The events unfold on Arkania, a planet characterized by a segregated society that divides pure Arkanians from their various offshoot species. Jarael undertakes a disguise, presenting herself as a pure Arkanian, with the intention of securing an analysis of Camper's blood. This action, however, draws the interest of Adascorp. This organization recognizes Camper as a former employee. Consequently, the Last Resort finds itself captured by the Arkanian Legacy, Adascorp's flagship, and Jarael and Camper are brought before Arkoh, Lord Adasca. Following Rohlan's unsuccessful attempt to liberate Jarael, she is held in close proximity to Adasca. This is to ensure Camper completes the clandestine project he was engaged in prior to his escape and subsequent hiding on Taris.

While aboard the Arkanian Legacy, Jarael uncovers the details of "Camper's" previous life, revealing his true identity as Gorman Vandrayk. His earlier research had piqued Adascorp's interest in enormous space slugs, referred to as exogorths, with the intention of utilizing them as weapons capable of planetary destruction. Now that Vandrayk has fulfilled his obligations to the corporation by granting them complete control over the exogorths, Adasca plans to employ these newly acquired weapons as a means of exerting political influence.

In a parallel sequence of events, the Courageous is boarded and subsequently destroyed by Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. Admiral Karath, Lieutenant Onasi, and Karath's second-in-command, Dallan Morvis, are left with no alternative but to evacuate through Zayne's prison cell. They are forced to rely on him to reach the cargo bay and escape aboard Carth's ship, the Deadweight.

Comic Issues

Collected Editions

  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Volume 3: Days of Fear, Nights of Anger
  • Star Wars Omnibus: Knights of the Old Republic Volume 1

Additional Information
