Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Daze of Hate

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Daze of Hate constitutes the sixth story arc within the broader Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic comic book saga.

Opening Crawl

The Arkanians, holding a deep fascination for biotechnology, regard their civilization as the Republic's foremost scientific hub. As the Mandalorian forces draw closer to Arkanian territory, the distinguished Lord Adasca endeavors to safeguard - and potentially elevate - his people's standing by presenting a cutting-edge super-weapon to the highest-bidding party.

Aboard the vessel known as the Arkanian Legacy, Adasca extends invitations to prospective buyers - one of which is delivered to Republic Admiral Karath, who has the fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick under his watch. Furthermore, two of Zayne's companions are held captive on the ship: Gorman "Camper" Vandrayk, a former employee of Adasca; and Camper's protector, the enigmatic female warrior Jarael...

Plot summary

The individuals interested in the new Arkanian development arrive on the Arkanian Legacy, each at a different point in time, to engage in discussions. The first to arrive is Admiral Karath of the Republic; however, his arrival is interrupted when Jarael unexpectedly kisses Zayne, which results in him being escorted away from the area. Alek then arrives, acting as a representative for the Revanchist Jedi faction in the absence of his Master. Lucien is the next to make an appearance, catching Adasca completely off guard. Subsequently, Adasca resorts to a scheme involving a poisoned drink in an attempt to eliminate Lucien.

Finally, Mandalore the Ultimate arrives alongside his Neo-Crusaders, having been summoned by Rohlan on the basis of a promise to ensure Jarael's safety. After providing Rohlan with a fresh set of Neo-Crusader armor for him to change into and witnessing a live demonstration of the exogorths' capabilities, Mandalore proposes a military partnership to Adasca. He requests that Adasca's corporation supply the Mandalorian war effort in exchange for the elimination of its competitors, an offer that Adasca finds more appealing than Admiral Karath's proposition of a seat in the Senate.

In the meantime, Lucien regains consciousness within a prison cell, bound back-to-back with Zayne, his former Padawan and sworn adversary. Following some tense conversation, during which Lucien accuses Zayne of further embracing the dark side and reveals his family's past business connections to Adascorp, the two cooperate briefly. Their cooperation allows them to destroy the HK-24 series assassin droids that are holding them captive, and they manage to break free. However, this alliance proves to be short-lived—upon retrieving his lightsaber, Lucien immediately attempts to assassinate Carrick. When he fails, and his lightsaber is disabled by Zayne's vambraces, Lucien decides to address the matter of Adasca first, with Zayne's assistance, and then settle his score with the Padawan at a later time.

Within the observation dome, Mandalore enhances his offer to Adasca by granting him stewardship of the Mandalorian war effort. Admiral Karath countered this by offering Republic territory for Adasca's own state. Adasca ponders the possibility of using the Mandalorians as his personal army and establishing his own Jedi Order. After eliminating the HK-24 units assigned to guard them, as well as the units in the security room, Zayne and Lucien were shocked to witness Adasca's alliance with Mandalore. Carth soon joined them, bringing Zayne's lightsaber. Upon seeing Jarael guarded by HK-24 units, Zayne realizes that she is being used as leverage to force Camper to cooperate and control the exogorths. Lucien suggested killing Jarael to stop Adasca when Rohlan suddenly appeared with a blaster at Lucien's back, telling the Jedi Master that he would be dead before he could get near Jarael. Once Rohlan calmed down, Zayne devised a plan to rescue Jarael. Using Rohlan's spare armor as a disguise, Zayne initiated a brief skirmish with Carth and distracted both Adasca and Mandalore until he was close enough to decapitate the droids guarding Jarael, which surprised everyone nearby. Zayne then removed his mask at the same time Lucien emerged from the crowd, seemingly to arrest Mandalore. Assuming that Adasca was allied with the Republic and had planned this from the beginning, Mandalore ordered his forces to fire on both Adasca's and Republic forces alike. During the fight, Zayne freed Jarael and contacted Camper on Jarael's bracelet to inform him that Jarael was safe. Meanwhile, aboard the Last Resort, Camper managed to transfer the ship's systems to a laptop, destroyed the assassin droid assigned to him, and took control of the exogorths. Back in the observation dome, the Mandalorians retreated to Mandalore's shuttle. Enraged, Adasca ordered the Jedi to be killed, but one of Arkoh's underlings informed him that the exogorths were attacking the Legacy. On Camper's command, the exogorths tore the observation dome apart and killed Adasca. During the brawl, Admiral Karath was wounded and carried back to the Deadweight by Command Morvis, who ordered Carth to take Zayne with them, but Carth let the Padawan go, stating that Zayne wasn't a criminal and he didn't want to be a bad officer. In the hangar bay, Zayne, Jarael, Rohlan, and Alek were contacted by Camper, who told them that he was taking the exogorths and removing all of their implants. Despite Jarael's protests, Camper told her that he was going alone. After a tearful goodbye, Camper left with the exogorths for Wild Space. After Camper's departure, Lucien appeared and informed them that there was enough room in his shuttle for all of them but would only take them if Zayne came along. Zayne agreed, but suddenly the Moomo Williwaw came out of nowhere and Dob Moomo came down the ramp, and to Zayne's surprise, Slyssk, who informed him that Gryph was still alive and had joined the local resistance on Taris. Lucien overheard them and escaped on his shuttle.



  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Volume 4: Daze of Hate, Knights of Suffering
  • Star Wars Omnibus: Knights of the Old Republic Volume 2

Notes and references
