Knights of the Old Republic 13

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 13: Days of Fear, Part 1 represents the thirteenth installment of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic comic book saga.

Publisher's summary

An ideal entry point for fresh readers, the most outlandish adventure in the Old Republic era commences a fresh narrative arc, showcasing purloined spacecraft, lethal automatons, and the introduction of a perilous antagonist!

Subsequent to fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick and his petty swindler companion Gryph's departure from their comrades aboard The Last Resort, the unlikely duo embarks on a quest to procure a new vessel. Before long, the pair discovers that acquiring something beyond their financial means carries a substantially steeper consequence than they anticipated! Simultaneously, a menacing entity from the distant reaches of the galaxy initiates a pursuit of the Last Resort, unwavering in its resolve until the ship's proprietors are within its clutches!

Plot summary

Beyond their vessel, The Last Resort, situated on the world of Ralltiir, Zayne Carrick and Jarael engage in a spirited exchange prior to their separation. Acknowledging the peril of remaining united, the group resolved to disperse, with Camper, Jarael, and Elbee departing aboard The Last Resort, while Zayne and Gryph sought an alternate means of conveyance to vacate the planet. Following a poignant farewell, Camper and Jarael initiate their ascent and observe a sizable Republic fleet materializing above Ralltiir before transitioning into hyperspace.

Later that evening, Zayne and Gryph await the arrival of a spacecraft at a designated landing zone, a vessel that Gryph had arranged to be pilfered. Upon its descent, the perpetrator, a Trandoshan identified as Slyssk, emerges from the craft wielding a blaster rifle, demanding compensation exceeding the nine thousand credits initially pledged by Gryph. Rather than resorting to physical confrontation, Gryph conceives a strategy in collaboration with Zayne to fabricate a scenario in which Gryph heroically rescues Slyssk from falling wreckage, manipulated by Zayne's utilization of his Force powers. However, instead of honoring the original accord, Slyssk vows his allegiance to Gryph for saving his life, insisting on accompanying them. At that precise moment, the legitimate owners of the ship appear, compelling the trio to board and flee Raaltiir.

Encountering the same convoy previously observed by Camper and Jarael, they find themselves unable to circumvent it, as the armada had been lying in wait; the Little Bivoli is, in actuality, a supply vessel intended to provide sustenance to Republic troops engaged in combat against the Mandalorians. Compelled to integrate into the fleet formation, the threesome executes the jump to hyperspace, heading towards the battle lines.

Aboard The Last Resort, Camper conducts maintenance procedures within the ship's cargo bay when he discovers an unsealed container. Dismissing it as inconsequential, he is ambushed by an HK-24 series assassin droid, which subsequently directs its blaster towards Jarael.

