Little Bivoli

The Little Bivoli, a Quartermaster-class supply carrier, functioned as a provisioning ship for the Republic Navy until its demise in 3963 BBY. This fringer vessel was initially pilfered from its rightful owners on Ralltiir by Slyssk, a Trandoshan formerly associated with the pirate group known as the Raff Syndicate. Subsequently, he was employed by Marn "Gryph" Hierogryph, a Snivvian black marketeer who was also a companion to Zayne Carrick, the Jedi Padawan wrongly accused of orchestrating the Padawan Massacre on Taris. This tragic event resulted in the deaths of four of Carrick's fellow Padawans at the hands of their Masters. Upon its departure from Ralltiir, the ship received communication from Battle Group Serroco of the Republic Navy, instructing it to integrate into their formation, given the supply carrier's prior service to the fleet. The battle group then initiated a hyperspace jump to Serroco, where it engaged in a battle against the Mandalorians as part of the ongoing war between the Republic and the Mandalorians. Hierogryph continued the ship's supply duties to generate quick revenue, with the Little Bivoli gaining a reputation for superior service compared to the Navy's commissary. The Little Bivoli met its end on Serroco when the Mandalorians initiated an orbital bombardment of the planet from orbit.


The Little Bivoli's kitchen and dining area

Constructed by Corellia StarDrive, the Little Bivoli was a Quartermaster-class supply carrier designed to function as a provisioning ship. Measuring forty-five meters in length, the vessel featured dining areas on both sides that could be unfolded, revealing tables and chairs. When deployed, these dining sections were situated on the ship's diagonal surfaces, lacking overhead protection from the hull and thus exposed to the elements. The buffets and galley that serviced these dining areas were centrally located within the ship.

Above the galley were cargo storage areas and crew quarters, while the cockpit was positioned at the front of the ship on the starboard side. A walkway extended from the cockpit above the galley, offering a comprehensive view of the dining area on that side. Serving droids, often poorly maintained, staffed the dining areas. The ship's name was displayed in Aurebesh on its sides, above the folding sections.



The Little Bivoli is stolen by Slyssk.

In 3963 BBY, Jarael and Camper, Arkanian offshoots, departed from the planet of Ralltiir aboard their vessel, The Last Resort, in search of a remedy for Camper's ailment on Arkania. Consequently, their companions, Marn "Gryph" Hierogryph, a Snivvian black marketeer, and Zayne Carrick, a Jedi Padawan, were compelled to seek alternative means of transportation off-world. This was to further Carrick's efforts to exonerate himself and Hierogryph from the false accusations linking them to the Padawan Massacre on Taris, an event in which four of Carrick's fellow Padawans were killed by their Masters. After bidding farewell to the crew of The Last Resort, the Jedi met with Hierogryph, who informed him that he had secured passage for them by hiring a ship, instructing them to meet at Pad 223 at midnight to take possession of it.

Without Carrick's knowledge, the Snivvian had engaged the services of Slyssk, a Trandoshan and former member of the Raff Syndicate pirate organization, to procure a ship through theft. Lacking the funds for a legitimate purchase, Hierogryph also deemed it inappropriate to personally engage in theft. Slyssk's expulsion from the Raff Syndicate occurred before he acquired proficiency in piloting the ships he was trained to steal, a deficiency he demonstrated upon delivering the Little Bivoli to Pad 223, damaging street fixtures in the process. After some coaxing, the reluctant Slyssk emerged, demanding ten times the agreed-upon nine thousand credits from Hierogryph, citing the Snivvian's perceived wealth. This led to a dispute over the ship's price, prompting Carrick to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Hierogryph then subtly suggested that the Padawan employ the Force to subdue Slyssk. Carrick proceeded to topple a damaged lamppost onto Slyssk, but not before Hierogryph intervened, pulling him out of harm's way. This act inadvertently obligated Slyssk to swear a life debt to Hierogryph, declaring him his Ghrakhowsk, the Trandoshan term for the recipient of such a debt. This life debt enabled Hierogryph and Carrick to acquire the ship without payment, as Slyssk was now bound to serve his Grakhowsk.

At this juncture, the Little Bivoli's original fringer owners—independent provisioners supporting overwhelmed official channels—arrived and opened fire on the trio in an attempt to prevent the theft of the Little Bivoli. To evade the conflict, Slyssk, Carrick, and Hierogryph hastily boarded the ship and departed. Upon reaching orbit, they were hailed by the Courageous, the Inexpugnable-class flagship of Battle Group Serroco. The crew of the Little Bivoli received orders to join the formation for a hyperspace jump to Serroco, given that their newly acquired vessel had frequently served as a supply ship for the Republic Navy during the Republic's ongoing conflict with the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders.

Camp Three

The Little Bivoli in operation at Camp Three

Following their arrival on Serroco with the Republic fleet, the Little Bivoli resumed its function as a provisioning ship, driven by Hierogryph's desire to capitalize on the opportunity for easy profit. The ship quickly gained notoriety at Camp Three for offering superior cuisine compared to the army commissary. One of the ship's signature dishes was Bivoli Tempari, prepared by Slyssk. Hierogryph noted that Trandoshans were not typically known for their culinary skills, as they were rarely asked to cook. He leveraged this to entice Carth Onasi, a lieutenant in the Courageous battle group, to dine at the Little Bivoli. With Hierogryph serving as the host, Carrick was relegated to dish-washing duties, which he often neglected. On one occasion, the Snivvian host discovered the Jedi meditating on the Force to alleviate stress from concealing his identity as a fugitive falsely accused of the Padawan Massacre, rather than washing dishes. Carrick was interrupted when a serving droid dropped a tray of food on some soldiers' coats.

After addressing the disgruntled soldiers, Carrick, using an alias to protect his identity, engaged in conversation with Lieutenant Onasi regarding the Republic camps. At the conclusion of their discussion, the lieutenant mentioned his impending workload in anticipation of the Mandalorians' arrival the following day.

Following Onasi's departure, Carrick found Hierogryph counting a substantial sum of credits in a room aboard the ship. The Padawan expressed his concern about the impending arrival of the Mandalorians, suggesting they should leave. However, the black marketeer countered that the soldiers' hunger and ample funds made his role as the new manager of the Little Bivoli highly lucrative. Frustrated by his companion's refusal to depart, Carrick left the ship to clear his head. He then experienced a Force vision depicting the Mandalorians bombing Serroco, a pivotal event in the imminent Battle of Serroco. Carrick urged Hierogryph to leave immediately and subsequently stowed away aboard Onasi's ship to reach Admiral Saul Karath, the commander of the Courageous, in order to warn him of his premonition.


The remnants of the Little Bivoli at the Battle of Serroco

The Mandalorians arrived in orbit the following day, and Hierogryph only began preparations to depart Serroco after lunch, despite Carrick's earlier pleas. However, Slyssk revealed that the Little Bivoli lacked sufficient fuel to even reach orbit, explaining that he had stolen the ship before the original owners had fully refueled it. Slyssk and Hierogryph managed to escape the planet aboard a Republic troop transport and were soon reunited with Carrick.

Following the bombardment, the Little Bivoli was identified as destroyed on the Courageous' scanners. The ship was subsequently publicly listed as a casualty of the Battle of Serroco, alongside other fringer ships, in The Admiral's List: Remember Serroco! Edition.

Later, around the time of the Trial of Demagol, Hierogryph acquired a restaurant chain as part of a propaganda campaign celebrating his and Slyssk's actions at Serroco. One of the restaurants, Goodvalor's Little Bivoli, located on Coruscant, was designed as a replica of the Quartermaster-class ship.

Owners and operators

The Little Bivoli was initially operated by its original owners as a fringer provisioning ship. Hierogryph became the sole owner when Slyssk stole the vessel for him. Slyssk served as the ship's cook during its operations on Serroco, while Hierogryph acted as the host. During his time on the ship, Carrick washed dishes for the buffet and served food when the serving droids malfunctioned. The gold humanoid droids were poorly maintained by the original owners, resulting in frequent incidents of them dropping trays of food.

Behind the scenes

The Little Bivoli made its debut in Days of Fear, Part 1 and was destroyed at the conclusion of the story arc in Days of Fear, Part 3. The Little Bivoli was later identified as a Quartermaster-class supply carrier in the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, released in 2008. Dustin Weaver provided the pencils for the Little Bivoli in Days of Fear, Part 1 and Days of Fear, Part 3, while Brian Ching penciled it in Days of Fear, Part 2. John Jackson Miller authored all three issues.

Miller named the Little Bivoli after Bivoli Tempari, a food item he encountered in Star Wars Galaxies that originated in Riders of the Maelstrom.

