The Quartermaster-class supply carrier functioned as a freighter utilized by both the Republic Navy and various civilian entities in the aftermath of the Great Sith War and during the period of the Mandalorian Wars. A reinforced hull, constructed from duranium, provided significant protection, enabling it to endure considerable damage without compromising its integrity and losing its cargo to the vacuum of space.
The Quartermaster-class was intentionally engineered to transport diverse goods and unprocessed resources to planets urgently requiring reconstruction or aid after the widespread destruction caused by the Great Sith War. Given that standard military vessels were not adequately equipped for carrying supplies and materials, the need for a specialized supply transport became apparent; the Quartermaster-class, primarily consisting of cargo space adapted to accommodate a wide range of materials, including liquids and gases, became a favored supply vessel.
By the time the Mandalorian Wars erupted, some of these vessels had been decommissioned, while others continued to operate as supply ships for the Republic Navy. Typically, they required some form of protection, often traveling within a convoy that included one or more Praetorian-class frigates.
One known vessel of this type, named the Little Bivoli, was operated by a group of fringer individuals who provided provisions to the Courageous battle group. It had been commandeered from its initial owners by Slyssk and Marn Hierogryph, but it continued to perform its intended function until its destruction during the Battle of Serroco.
The Quartermaster-class was initially conceived for the Days of Fear story arc featured in the Knights of the Old Republic comic book series. Its designation as a specific class was not formally established until the publication of the reference book, the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide.