Knights of the Old Republic 12

title: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 12: Reunion, Part 2

The twelfth installment of the comic book series, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, is entitled Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 12: Reunion, Part 2.

Summary by the Publisher

Picture this: the fugitive Jedi Padawan Zayne Carrick, a fast-talking con artist, a pair of enigmatic refugees, and a cantankerous droid all thrown together. What you get is the most unpredictable, high-octane, and utterly thrilling take on the Star Wars galaxy since a certain smuggler named Solo assisted Luke Skywalker in destroying the Death Star!

For this unlikely band of heroes, life during the Old Republic era is anything but peaceful. While attempting to scrape together some credits on the banking world of Telerath, they find themselves in the crosshairs of two bounty hunter brothers who pose a threat to the galaxy, as much as they do to each other. Zayne and his companions will need more than just a lightsaber to escape this predicament; they'll require cunning, disguises, and a healthy dose of the Force!

Plot Synopsis

On their vessel, the Moomo Williwaw, orbiting Telerath, the bounty hunter siblings Del and Dob Moomo receive a harsh reprimand from a holographic projection of Jedi Master Raana Tey. She is furious that they kidnapped, instead of simply observing, the banker Arvan Carrick. Following the dressing-down and a physical altercation between the brothers, Dob departs the ship for a local cantina, leaving Del and Carrick behind.

Elsewhere on the banking planet, Zayne reveals to Gryph and Jarael that the kidnapped banker is, in fact, his father. Pondering the reason for his father's abduction, Jarael surmises that it is a ploy to lure Zayne out of hiding. Considering it fortunate that they encountered Zayne's father before the trap was fully sprung, the trio returns to The Last Resort to devise a rescue strategy.

Later that evening, Gryph enters the cantina where Dob is stationed and strikes up a conversation. Gryph proposes a trade to Dob: Zayne's father in exchange for Zayne himself. After considerable persuasion and the consumption of alcohol provided by Gryph, Dob accepts the offer. Dob reveals the location of his ship and instructs Gryph to meet him there in one hour. Having overheard the Moomo's ship location via a hidden transmitter on Gryph, Zayne sets off towards it.

Arriving at the ship before Dob, Zayne infiltrates it and overhears a conversation between Del and Raana Tey. She informs Del that she will arrive on Telerath in a few days to resolve the situation and orders him to remain in orbit until her arrival. Realizing Master Tey's involvement in his father's kidnapping, Zayne liberates his father and they both escape the ship.

Back on board The Last Resort, Arvan informs the group that he can still access Gryph's account and withdraw his credits. Zayne takes his share of the credits and immediately instructs his father to transfer it to someone on Taris, despite the fact that the planet is currently under siege by the Mandalorians. After the transfer is complete, Zayne tells his father to arrange transport off Telerath to Dantooine, believing it to be the only place where his family will be safe.

