The Sith Troopers functioned as infantry units within the Sith Empire's military during the period of the Jedi Civil War.
Most of the Sith troopers in Darth Revan's returning fleet consisted of Republic Army members who had betrayed their allegiance, later supplemented by enthusiastic volunteers hailing from the planets they had conquered. The Sith's harsh training programs eliminated the weak, creating a highly effective and formidable fighting force. The fear instilled in each trooper served not only to motivate them in battle but also to deter them from betraying the Sith a second time.
Certain Sith troopers exploited the fear they inspired and the power afforded by their armor for personal gain, resorting to threats and intimidation to get what they desired from civilians. Conversely, others viewed their actions as simply fulfilling their duty or held the belief that the Sith's rule would benefit the galaxy.
Sith troopers were often regarded as expendable assets by their commanding officers, similarly to battle droids. For instance, when Saul Karath cautioned Darth Malak that bombing Taris to eliminate Bastila Shan would result in the deaths of thousands of Sith soldiers, Malak simply warned Karath against questioning his directives.
Following the conclusion of the Jedi Civil War, many demoralized Sith troopers transitioned to serving under the newly established Sith Triumvirate, led by Darth Traya, Darth Nihilus, and Darth Sion. During this period, they participated in both the Second Battle of Onderon and the Battle of Telos IV.
The standard Sith trooper's armor and helmet featured a reflective silver or white color scheme, complemented by black under-armor padding and a visor that concealed the wearer's face. There were no obvious markings to indicate rank or division, although Sith Elite troops and Sith Commandos distinguished themselves by wearing red and/or copper armor.
While maintaining a similar level of functionality to most other armor types, Sith trooper armor was intentionally designed to instill fear in adversaries. The emphasized armor casing, combined with the complete obscuring of the trooper's face by a one-way visor, created the impression of an emotionless, faceless enemy. This effect would later be replicated in the Republic clone troopers thousands of years later, who, ironically, would eventually serve as stormtroopers for the Galactic Empire, another Sith-led empire.
While stranded on Taris during the Sith occupation, Revan, having had his mind wiped, and Carth Onasi acquired a suit of Sith armor to gain access to the Lower City and continue their pursuit of Bastila Shan.
Sith assault troopers were equipped with silver-gold armor and carried both a blaster rifle and a sword. They made an attempt to board the Ebon Hawk at the Peragus Mining Facility.

Sith commandos represented elite Sith soldiers, although their specific combat role differed from standard troopers is not fully clear. They typically wore scarlet red armor and were armed with light repeating blasters. Commandos observed during the Battle of Telos IV during the First Jedi Purge were seen wearing silver-colored armor. During the purge, the Sith Triumvirate deployed commandos on Dxun, Onderon, Citadel Station in orbit above Telos IV, the Ravager, and at the Trayus Academy on Malachor V.
Sith elite gunners utilized copper-colored battle suits. They were frequently armed with disruptor rifles, weapons capable of bypassing personal deflector shields.
Sith heavy troopers were uncommon heavy-weapon specialists within the Sith forces. They wore red armor and were equipped with Heavy repeating blasters. Their presence was only noted in areas of significant strategic value to the Sith war effort, suggesting a higher rank compared to standard Sith troopers or even Sith elite gunners. Revan encountered a group of these soldiers during his assault on the Star Forge during the Battle of Rakata Prime.
Sith grenadiers made use of grenades, primarily fragmentation or concussion types. They were also armed with blaster pistols. Additionally, they were known to employ thermal detonators in combat situations.
Sith wranglers deployed tamed beasts in combat scenarios. They were utilized in battles where aggressive beasts and sithspawns constituted a significant force. During the Second Battle of Onderon, the Jedi Exile confronted several Bomas and a Drexl larva under the control of Sith wranglers, who typically carried light repeating blasters or vibroblades.
Sith Advanced Troopers may have represented an early attempt to develop superior Sith soldiers during the Jedi Civil War. They were among the more skilled soldiers of their kind, serving on the Star Forge when Revan boarded. Typically, they were armed with ion blasters and standard vibroblades. They also wore crimson armor.
During the Jedi Civil War, typical Sith troopers were armed with Sith Assault Guns and Sith sniper rifles for ranged engagements, along with standard stun batons and vibroblades for close-quarters combat. All Sith trooper types were issued vibroblades for melee combat and might have also been equipped with Sith energy shields. By the time of the Great Galactic War, Sith troopers were armed with TH-17 blaster rifles.
Nonstandard soldiers typically consisted of Sith soldiers who had been promoted or Republic troops of similar classification who had defected, rather than newly recruited individuals assigned directly to these roles.