The Ryyk Nebula was a nebula that existed in the Trans-Vulta sector of the Mid Rim, close to the planet of Myrkr. Its location placed it somewhere along the hyperspace routes connecting Serroco and Telerath. In 3963 BBY, during the Mandalorian Wars fought between the Galactic Republic and the Mandalorian warrior clans, Admiral Saul Karath attempted to rendezvous with the Tremendous group within the Ryyk Nebula after withdrawing from the Mandalorian destruction of Serroco. However, his flagship, the Courageous, was boarded and destroyed, preventing him from reaching his intended destination.
During the Imperial Period, the Ryyk Nebula became a significant location for starship construction, serving the Galactic Empire's Starfleet.
The Ryyk Nebula's first mention occurred in The Admiral's List: Remember Serroco! Edition, a fictional news article featured on the last page of Knights of the Old Republic 16. This comic, penned by John Jackson Miller, was published in 2007. Further references to the nebula can be found in the reference book The Essential Atlas and its online companion.