During the Mandalorian Wars, a Neo-Crusader shock trooper is pictured.
Specialized military units known as Neo-Crusader shock troopers served within the ranks of the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders during the time of the Mandalorian Wars.
These shock troopers represented the elite warrior class among the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. Their expertise lay in conducting incursions into environments with uncertain battlefield conditions, including underground tunnels, starships, and densely populated urban centers. Aspiring shock troopers typically earned their positions by demonstrating exceptional combat prowess to their respective Rally Masters. Unlike the standard Neo-Crusader army, which operated under a rigid structure with soldiers in three defined roles, the shock troopers maintained their own distinct command structure, ultimately reporting to Field Marshal Cassus Fett, who served as second-in-command to Mandalore the Ultimate.
The shock troopers were outfitted with Neo-Crusader assault armors, an enhanced and more robust version of the standard Neo-Crusader light armor. This armor was specifically tailored to meet the demands of diverse battlefield scenarios and fortified for prolonged operations in extravehicular environments, providing up to 24 hours of life support in the vacuum of space or other hazardous conditions without requiring a recharge. Furthermore, Neo-Crusader shock troopers were equipped with electrobinoculars, jetpacks, personal energy shields, and medpacs, in addition to carrying a range of weaponry such as blaster rifles, vibroblades, vibrodaggers and fragmentation grenades. Cassus Fett ensured that the shock troopers received the finest equipment available from the War Forges.
Mandalore the Ultimate established shock trooper units during the Mandalorian Wars in response to the need for specialized soldiers, a demand that arose due to the standardization of all Mandalorian troops into a single, uniform army. As the Neo-Crusader population expanded, Mandalore authorized the formation of specialized combat groups designed for specific missions. Consequently, shock troopers were among the earliest "specialized variants" of Neo-Crusaders deployed throughout the conflicts.
The Republic forces first encountered Neo-Crusader shock troopers during the boarding action on the Republic Navy vessel Courageous following the Battle of Serroco. These shock troopers swiftly overwhelmed the Republic forces, compelling them to abandon their flagship.
Following the Battle of Myrkr, the Galactic Republic recovered a set of their armor and forwarded it to Republic Intelligence for detailed analysis.