The Gauntlet of Kressh the Younger stands as a Sith artifact forged during the ancient era of the Sith Empire. The Sith Lord Ludo Kressh conceived it with the express purpose of granting invincibility to his son, Elcho.

This formidable gauntlet comprised five linked oval plates, each crafted from an enigmatic black substance and adorned with a red gem encircled by gold. From the central three plates, golden tassels dangled elegantly.
When worn upon the forearm, the Gauntlet possessed the extraordinary ability to prevent unwanted physical contact. Any attempt to breach its defenses was met with a forceful expulsion of Dark Side energy. Its protective capabilities were such that it could effectively deflect a lightsaber strike. Beyond mere defense, the wearer could also intentionally unleash these bursts of energy towards chosen targets at will, without even needing to turn and face them.
However, the Gauntlet's protection had limitations. Since it only shielded against non-consensual contact, attacks from those granted permission could still bypass its defenses. Furthermore, the user had to be actively wearing the Gauntlet for its powers to fully manifest; simply holding it provided no protection.
Originating from the Old Sith Empire, the Gauntlet was crafted by the Sith Lord Ludo Kressh specifically for his son, Elcho. Kressh dedicated considerable effort to perfecting the device, aiming to render his son completely impervious to external threats.
By 3963 BBY, the Jedi Covenant, a group of Jedi known for their extreme anti-Sith views, had acquired the artifact. Their leader, Haazen, a failed Jedi who became a Sith Acolyte, seized it from their collection. Haazen, in collaboration with the Jedi seer Krynda Draay, had established the Jedi Covenant as part of a complex scheme to seize control of the Jedi Order, deceiving her and others along the way. He concealed the Gauntlet, along with other Sith relics, within a large case in his office at the Draay Estate, falsely claiming it contained diagnostic equipment.
When Zayne Carrick was presented to the Covenant by Xamar, who was feigning allegiance to the dark side to rescue Krynda Draay before the Jedi Council-aligned Knights attacked the estate, Haazen had the case, including the Gauntlet, brought to him. As the Jedi stormed the estate's entrance, Haazen broadcasted a message to all Covenant-aligned Jedi, issuing the command word "Vindication". While the Covenant Jedi secured the Jedi Temple and its Sith artifacts, Haazen brandished the Gauntlet and used a device built into his prosthetic arm to seize control of the Vanjervalis Chain, initiating an orbital strike on the Draay Estate entrance, which resulted in the deaths of numerous Council Jedi, including the traitor Xamar.

Donning the Sith amulets and armor from his case, and revealing his cane's handle to be a concealed Sith lightsaber, Haazen declared his true devotion to the dark side of the Force. Protected from the Republic bombardment by the Gauntlet, Haazen proceeded to reveal his entire plan. Lucien Draay defied Haazen twice, each time being repelled by the Gauntlet, with the second blast destroying his lightsaber.
Haazen then presented Lucien with his Sith lightsaber, declaring his intent to transform the Jedi into his Sith apprentice. He ventured outside to receive the Sith artifacts arriving from the Jedi Temple. While inspecting the artifacts, Haazen witnessed the conclusion of the duel between Lucien Draay and Zayne Carrick. When Carrick seemingly killed Draay and bowed before Haazen, the Sith believed he had found a new apprentice. Allowing Carrick to touch him, Haazen lowered his guard, giving Carrick the opportunity to sever Haazen's hand, which was a prosthetic, along with the Gauntlet.
As Haazen attacked Carrick with Force lightning, Carrick and his ally, Marn Hierogryph, were suddenly thrown back by a powerful surge of the Force. Lucien Draay revealed that he and Carrick had staged the duel to catch Haazen off guard. Lucien then summoned Haazen's severed prosthesis and used the Vanjervalis control device within it to order the Republic fleet to fire upon them.
Haazen perished in the resulting explosion, while Lucien Draay survived because he possessed the Gauntlet. However, because he was only holding it and not wearing it, its protection was incomplete, leaving him heavily scarred.
Millennia later, during the Clone Wars, Jedi Knight B'ink Utrila and her Padawan, Rennax Omani, acting on instructions from a holocron, led a clone trooper squad on an expedition to the moon Draay 2 to find and retrieve the Gauntlet. Inside the moon's Jedi Temple was a statue of Lucien Draay. The statue was one of many traps within the temple protecting the Sith artifact, and was revealed to be a Jedi guard droid activated by a switch that a Clone trooper accidentally triggered. The droid proved resistant to lightsabers, blasters, and explosives. Utrila realized that the only way to deactivate the droid was to use the Force, but not to attack it. This method was designed by the Jedi of old to prevent Sith from defeating the guardian droid, as they would never consider using the Force non-violently.
After deactivating the droid, Omani noticed something unusual about a wall panel with many small holes. Utrila, familiar with such devices, explained that the mechanism would open if a lightsaber blade was inserted into the correct hole—inserting it into any other hole would cause the temple to collapse. Using the Force to identify the correct hole, the Jedi Knight opened the path forward.
The Jedi then discovered a carving on one of the walls depicting Lucien Draay battling Sith Acolyte Haazen, who was shown wielding the Gauntlet of Kressh the Younger. While Master and Padawan studied the carving, the Clone Troopers advanced into a room with no exit. The room contained a pillar with glowing blue lights but no sign of the Gauntlet. When one Clone Trooper touched the pillar while inspecting it, he awakened the creatures that composed the pillar itself. These sarls also proved resistant to blaster fire as the troopers opened fire upon them. When the Jedi caught up with the squad, they realized that prolonged exposure to the Gauntlet had made the sarls invulnerable to lightsabers as well. The now-dismantled pillar revealed the Sith artifact, hidden in the center of the room.
Using the Force to push the creatures away from the artifact, B'ink Utrila cleared a path and leaped towards it. However, upon touching it, she was overwhelmed by the powers of the dark side of the Force. Horrified, the Jedi Knight ordered an immediate retreat, leaving the Gauntlet behind as the sarls returned to their protective positions, encasing it. When questioned by the clone lieutenant about how they would retrieve the artifact, Utrila simply stated that they would not, deciding to make camp and contact the Jedi High Council for further instructions.
During the night, Rennax Omani stood guard with clone trooper Glitch, when they were ambushed by Pre Vizsla and a squad of Mandalorian Death Watch commandos, who had known about the Gauntlet for a long time and followed the group to its location. The Jedi and clone squad engaged the Mandalorians in battle, intentionally reactivating the guardian droid. During the battle, Glitch was confronted by Vizla and, in a final attempt to prevent the Death Watch from obtaining the Gauntlet, deliberately inserted Omani's lightsaber into the wrong hole of the wall panel, triggering the trap and causing the temple to collapse.

Both sides fled the collapsing building, but Glitch was left behind. With the temple destroyed, Pre Vizsla decided there was no reason to continue the fight and ordered his Mandalorians to retreat to their ship. The Jedi and surviving squad members paused to honor Glitch's sacrifice and then departed from the moon.
Later, among the ruins of the Jedi Temple, Glitch emerged wearing the Gauntlet, unharmed due to its protective qualities. Realizing that the artifact should not be used by anyone, the clone trooper secured it to a stone and disposed of the Gauntlet by throwing it into a nearby river.
The novel Lost Tribe of the Sith: Paragon revealed that the Gauntlet was constructed by Ludo Kressh himself for his son, establishing Kressh the Younger as Ludo Kressh's son. The identity of Kressh the Younger was later confirmed to be Elcho Kressh in Knight Errant.