The True Covenant represents a Jedi group that Lucien Draay established following the breakdown of his mother, Krynda Draay's, Jedi Covenant in the year 3963 BBY.
This group consisted of Jedi who were active in various disciplines and wore unpretentious robes. Their headquarters was situated on a moon that Jedi Master Lucien Draay had acquired, anticipating a potential need to re-establish the covenant after its disbandment under his mother Krynda's leadership.
In contrast to the original Jedi Covenant, which specifically adhered to Krynda's faith in prophecies and her conviction to prevent them regardless of the consequences, the principles of this new organization also incorporated the beliefs of her spouse, Barrison Draay, emphasizing self-reliance and independence from external expectations. While Lucien was convinced that the foretold disaster was unavoidable, he was sure they would endure it, ensuring the Jedi Order's continuation.