Duel on Odryn

During the time of the Mandalorian Wars, a significant lightsaber duel transpired on the world of Odryn. This confrontation involved Feln, a Feeorin Jedi Master, and Zayne Carrick, a Padawan who was on the run.

Beginning Events

It was said that Celeste Morne, a being of Shadow, had arrived on Odryn with the intention of storing the Muur Talisman within the Sanctum of the Exalted. However, the story goes that Celeste met her end on Jebble during the died. Jarael then impersonated her, enlisting the Moomo Brothers as muscle to carry a crate supposedly containing the Muur Talisman, but it was actually their laundry hamper which concealed Zayne Carrick and Marn Hierogryph. Once inside the Sanctum, their primary goal became taking numerous photographs to expose the Jedi Covenant. Zayne and Gryph dedicated the next few days to capturing these images, while the others awaited the arrival of the Moomo Williwaw. As they attempted to discreetly reach their rendezvous point, they were ambushed by Borjak, who served as Feln's steward. Despite Zayne's superior skills, others intervened and captured Gryph, forcing Zayne to surrender. It was at this moment that Master Feln himself made his appearance.

With the arrival of dawn, Feln communicated with Lucien Draay, who harbored suspicions that Zayne had murdered Celeste and had been further corrupted by the Talisman. He gave the order for the execution of Option Ossus, a decision that Borjak opposed, though his objections were largely ignored by Lucien. Haazen also appeared via holo, arguing with Lucien and insisting that Feln not destroy the Sanctum.

The Confrontation

Feln hurled Zayne's lightsaber into the air, echoing his previous Forceful act of throwing the lightsabers of the First WatchCircle on Taris. He then intended to slay Zayne using his own lightsaber, but Borjak intervened, reminding him of the customs of the Rime Feeorin: those who have been inside the Sanctum can only be harmed by fists only; Feln accepted the law and as he put away his lightsaber, lecturing his people about when to shut up, Zayne cut him off, kicked him and began hopping like a Dug around the village. Feln attempted to pursue him but instead fell through one of the dilapidated roofs. Zayne reminded him that the Sith testing grounds he put was destroying the village. Consumed by anger, Feln unleashed an outburst, rendering Zayne unconscious. The Feeorin Jedi declared class over, "once and for all" when Borjak informed him that the Williwaw was coming back. Feln interpreted this as another raid on the Sanctum and detonated it, resulting in the destruction of both the Sanctum and the village below. He placed the blame on Zayne for forcing his hand, reaching for his lightsaber only to find a wooden stick. He was then stabbed in the back by Borjak, who was leading a mob of enraged Feeorins. Feln asserted his position as Exalted, but Borjak countered that he had destroyed it, leading the mob to butcher him to death. Gryph then revealed that he had taken Feln's lightsaber when no one was paying attention.

The Consequences

Thanks to the rain, the Feeorins rescued everyone from the fire. Borjak found Zayne's lightsaber and elected to move their people away from the site. Later Jarael revealed that the Moomo Brothers stole a number of Sith artifacts from the Sanctum, which allowed Zayne to continue his quest to expose Jedi Covenant.

On Coruscant, at the Draay Estate, Xamar and Q'Anilia reported to Lucien on Feln's death. Lucien feared that the prophecy they've predicted was almost coming to fruition and assigned Xamar to the orbital fleet to stop Carrick from reaching Coruscant. Lucien inputted to Admiral Saul Karath that Zayne was making a raid for the Mandalorians. But Xamar knew that his part in the prophecy was near: to be killed by friendly fire.

