Kedorzhan pub

Sometime around 3964 BBY during the events of the Mandalorian Wars, Zayne Carrick and Marn Hierogryph, while fleeing from the First WatchCircle under the direction of Lucien Draay, Zayne's Jedi Master, found themselves at a Kedorzhan pub. This establishment was located in the Lower City on the planet Taris. Carrick expressed his doubts about using the bar as a hideout, but Hierogryph calmed his worries by pointing out that the bar's primary clientele consisted of Kedorzhans whose vision was impaired for extended periods due to their long workdays in the mines. Hierogryph quipped that their only concern would arise if the news began transmitting scents via the transmitters.

Hierogryph indicated that the droids employed at the bar were known for preparing excellent beverages.

