Zovius Mendu

During the Mandalorian Wars era, Zovius Mendu gained notoriety as a criminal on the planet Taris. By the year 3964 BBY, his reputation had grown to such an extent that Jedi Master Feln personally sought to apprehend him. Desperate to leave Taris, Mendu recruited Marn Hierogryph, a local criminal, to facilitate his departure. Hierogryph arranged for Mendu to be transported to Corellia within a disguised escape pod, made to resemble a shipment of dried dreeka fish. The scheme proved successful, leading to the widespread belief that Mendu had vanished.


By 3964 BBY, Zovius Mendu, a notorious criminal figure, had a significant bounty placed on his head on the Outer Rim planet of Taris. He was a sought-after man. Despite an active patrol's unsuccessful attempts to locate him, the hunt was intensified, as reported by the Taris Holofeed. Furthermore, Jedi Master Feln from the Tarisian Jedi Tower took personal charge of the search for Mendu. In need of a way to escape Taris, Mendu sought assistance from Marn Hierogryph, a local hoodlum, who devised a plan for his escape. Hierogryph employed Gorman "Camper" Vandrayk, an Arkanian mechanic, to modify an old escape pod into a shipping container. Mendu concealed himself inside the container, disguised as a shipment of dried dreeka fish, which Hierogryph then shipped to the planet Corellia. Hierogryph's plan was a complete success. A month later, Zayne Carrick, a former Jedi Padawan and acquaintance of Feln, noted Mendu's mysterious disappearance.

Behind the scenes

Although Zovius Mendu has not yet made a direct appearance in any Star Wars media, his character has been referenced on several occasions. His first mention occurs in The Taris Holofeed: Prime Edition, an in-universe news article featured on the final page of the comic Knights of the Old Republic 0. Mendu is also referenced in another news report, The Adjudicator Special Report: The Outer Rim, as well as in the third issue of the Knights of the Old Republic comic series and the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Handbook.

