The grooming tool collection of Ludo Kressh was a set of instruments used by Dark Lord of the Sith Ludo Kressh's attendant to care for his lower extremities in the era preceding the Great Hyperspace War. Subsequently, the ancient object was located by operatives of the Jedi Covenant—a clandestine Jedi group whose objective was to avert the resurgence of the Sith—and transported to a repository for analysis. During an inquiry into the Covenant's dubious activities in 3963 BBY, the smuggler Marn Hierogryph and former Jedi apprentice Zayne Carrick chanced upon the artifact.
The assemblage containing Dark Lord of the Sith Ludo Kressh's foot maintenance implements was a roundish artifact, edged, and featuring multiple cylindrical extensions and various knobs adorning its surface. Upon the pedicure set's discovery by operatives of the Jedi Covenant—a covert Jedi organization dedicated to preventing the return of the Sith—it was encased within a see-through, light green-colored cube composed of a specially formulated dampening resin for safety reasons. Furthermore, a Covenant identification chip was integrated into the resin for identification purposes.
In the years leading up to the Great Hyperspace War, Ludo Kressh relied on skilled servants and bondsmen to maintain his physical well-being and consolidate his power on his birthplace of Rhelg. A Human woman named Seelah Korsin was charged with the task of tending to Kressh's feet, utilizing the pedicure set in the process. When Korsin failed to halt the progression of an infection after her master sustained an ankle injury during combat, the Sith Overlord put to death every member of her family, beginning with her father. Soon after, realizing she had no reason to remain with Kressh, Korsin departed to offer her services to Kressh's adversary, the Dark Lord Naga Sadow.
Roughly 1,000 years later, the Snivvian merchant Marn Hierogryph, collaborating with former Jedi apprentice Zayne Carrick, unearthed the pedicure set within a Covenant-controlled storage and research complex on Odryn—the Sanctum of the Exalted. Hierogryph and Carrick had journeyed to the Sanctum with the intention of uncovering evidence of the Covenant's questionable practices. The artifact, like all others stored in the facility, was encased in the dampening resin to mitigate the effects of its potential dark side presence. Hierogryph facetiously suggested employing the artifact as evidence against the Jedi Covenant.
The pedicure set made its singular appearance in the illustrated story Knights of the Old Republic 29, penned by John Jackson Miller in 2008. In 2010's Lost Tribe of the Sith: Paragon, also authored by Miller, the backstory of Seelah Korsin was elaborated upon, revealing her prior role as caretaker of Ludo Kressh's feet. This prompted some fans to speculate whether the pedicure set and Korsin were somehow connected, which Miller later affirmed on his blog.