Gadin Badolfa, hailing from the planet Kesh, was a male architect in the service of the Lost Tribe of Sith, who were the rulers of that world. Even though he wasn't a Sith himself, Badolfa held considerable influence within the Lost Tribe's leadership and was constantly sought after for his skills. Back in 3960 BBY, he assisted Orielle Kitai and her mother, Candra, as they attempted to flee from slavery.
An architect by trade, Gadin Badolfa was a male native to the planet Kesh, employed by the Lost Tribe of Sith, the governing power on the planet. Despite not being a Sith, Badolfa garnered the respect and frequent requests for his services, earning the trust of several High Lords within the Tribe, notably including Candra Kitai.
Following the assassination attempt directed at Grand Lord Lillia Venn in 3960 BBY, Badolfa was approached by Kitai's daughter, Orielle, who, along with her mother, had been reduced to slavery due to suspected involvement in the plot. Orielle had recently discovered the location of an Aurek-class tactical strikefighter, the only vessel on the planet capable of space travel, and intended to utilize it as political leverage to restore the Kitais to their former standing within the Tribe. Badolfa convened with Orielle, who requested his assistance in sending messages to four High Lords—two from both the Red and Gold factions within the Tribe—inviting them to the farm of the merchant Jelph Marrian, where the starfighter was concealed. Badolfa assured Orielle that these High Lords could be instrumental in her cause. He also revealed that Grand Lord Venn had promoted Orielle's rivals, the Sith Sabers Flen and Sawj Luzo, to the rank of Lord. After their discussion, Badolfa delivered the messages, but Orielle was ultimately betrayed by her own mother, who informed the Grand Lord about the starfighter.
Gadin Badolfa, a highly esteemed architect, possessed significant connections to the highest levels of the Lost Tribe, holding a prominent position within their society. As a friend to the Kitai family, he displayed a willingness to assist Orielle and her mother in their efforts to escape slavery. Furthermore, he alerted Orielle upon learning that Grand Lord Venn had bestowed Lordship upon her rivals, the Luzos. Despite Orielle's initial belief that Badolfa had betrayed her when she encountered the Grand Lord at Marrian's farm, Badolfa had in reality honored his commitment and delivered the messages to the High Lords representing the Red and Gold factions of the Tribe.
Gadin Badolfa, the architect, was initially mentioned in Lost Tribe of the Sith: Sentinel, which is the sixth eBook within the Lost Tribe of the Sith series. John Jackson Miller authored Sentinel, and it was released in 2011.