Mission to Rakata Prime

The expedition to Rakata Prime was a venture embarked upon by Revan and Malak. Following the crash landing of their vessel on the previously undiscovered world, they were seized and held prisoner by the indigenous population.

Once they eventually succeeded in communicating with those who had captured them, it became clear that their captors were unaware of the object of Revan's search. Consequently, they directed him to inquire with the rival faction. Subsequent to Revan and Malak locating the settlement and hearing the Elder tribe's worries, they gained insight into the circumstances surrounding the Rakata's forfeiture of their connection to the Force. Revan also ascertained that the Rakata were the architects of the Star Forge. In a deceptive maneuver, Revan identified himself as a Jedi, prompting the inhabitants to reveal the means of accessing the Temple of the Ancients, while stipulating that their freedom was contingent upon assisting the Rakata in regaining their Force abilities.

Their internal conflict persisted amongst the Rakata, and Lehon remained concealed from the Republic throughout the remainder of the Jedi Civil War, until the conflict's final engagement.

