A Black Rakata tribe member On the planet Lehon, existed a Rakatan group known as the Black Rakata. The One, considered a celebrated warrior, was the leader of this tribe.
Following the downfall of the Infinite Empire, Lehon was torn apart by internal conflicts. The Black Rakata believed their darker skin tone originated from illnesses contracted during this period, which also saw a decline in their technological skills compared to their forebears. They were eventually brought together under the leadership of The One, who aimed to reclaim the lost abilities of their people. To achieve this, they moved to a location close to the Temple of the Ancients. As a means of protection, the Black Rakata mastered the art of controlling rancors, massive, somewhat intelligent beasts discovered on a downed vessel.
During Revan's return to the planet, the opposing Elders persuaded Revan to free one of their warriors who was imprisoned within the Black Rakatan Settlement. It was during this battle that the tribe met its end, with the One being killed and the majority of their fighters being defeated by the former Dark Lord. A storyteller resided within their settlement, and he shared the history of the Black Rakata with Revan. Their characteristics stood in stark contrast to those of the Elders: they engaged in cannibalism and were prone to warfare.