Operation Duusha

Operation Duusha, conceived by Imperial Remnant Moff Drikl Lecersen, aimed to further his secret alliance with Kuat Senator Haydnat Treen to seize control of the galaxy. Lecersen discovered that Head of State Jagged Fel of the Empire planned to have dinner with the Solo family at the Pangalactus restaurant located on Coruscant. To this end, he recruited Kester Tolann, a reactionary man strongly opposed to Fel, tasking him with attempting to assassinate Fel. Lecersen anticipated the assassination's likely failure, and strategically designed it to diminish public support for both Fel and Galactic Alliance Chief of State Natasi Daala, thereby paving the way for himself and Treen to become rulers of the galaxy.

Upon Fel's and the Solos' arrival at Pangalactus, Fel was informed that Daala was aware of their meeting and requested a different dining room. Concurrently, Tolann received the go-ahead to initiate his attack, signaled by the Destruction of Alderaan being viewed in a recreated holodrama within the adjacent room, and forcefully entered their room. He was prevented from carrying out his assassination attempt—involving a suicide detonation of explosives attached to his person—when Fel's security personnel shot him dead. Subsequently, two YVH-Series battle droids appeared and engaged the group, but they were also defeated, resulting in no casualties.

Despite the fact that neither Fel nor any member of the Solo family died, Lecersen deemed Operation Duusha a success. The Jedi Order, the Solos, and Fel all came to suspect Daala's potential involvement in the attack, and Fel surmised that Daala had conspired against him with one of the Moffs.

