Vandor-3, alternatively written as Vandor-Three, held the position of the fifth planet within the Coruscant system.
In the year 43 BBY, the Tech Raiders, a criminal syndicate known for acquiring technological equipment through theft and subsequently trading it on the black market, shifted their operational headquarters to Vandor-3.
During the Clone Wars, Vandor-3 was utilized as a site for the preparation of clone troopers. To facilitate this training, a barracks capable of accommodating 50,000 troopers was erected on the periphery of the capital. One specific training scenario involved confronting the selenome species that resided in one of the planet's marine environments.
After the Declaration of a New Order, Vandor-3 was incorporated into the Galactic Empire. Sometime after the Battle of Endor, Vandor-3 became a member of the New Republic and, subsequently, its succeeding political entity, the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.