Zehrinne Thaal, a model by profession, was a Human female. She entered into matrimony with the unscrupulous Galactic Alliance General Stavin Thaal in 12 ABY when she was eighteen years old. By the time 44 ABY rolled around, the Thaals were in the midst of a divorce, leaving Zehrinne with a house for which she was unable to afford the property taxes. Garik "Face" Loran, a member of Wraith Squadron who was delving into Stavin's involvement in the Lecersen Conspiracy, interviewed her. During the interview, Zehrinne disclosed to Loran that her spouse had a pattern of marrying attractive young women repeatedly, only for them to divorce him as they aged, a fate she also shared.
Subsequently, Wraith Squadron utilized Zehrinne's assistance on Kuratooine to verify the identity of her husband. Stavin had undergone genetic alterations to conceal his identity for retirement, assuming the guise of Thadley Biolan, and was using cosmetics to resemble his original appearance. Zehrinne verified that "Thadley Biolan" was wearing makeup and was, in fact, an imposter pretending to be Stavin Thaal, who Turman Durra, a Wraith member disguised as the deceased Ton Phanan, had declared dead. Consequently, Stavin was taken into custody, bringing Wraith Squadron's mission to capture him to a successful conclusion.