Dashan Joyl

Dashan Joyl was a male Duros, the grandson of Usan Joyl, a notorious identity forger and con man. By 44 ABY, both Joyl and his grandfather found themselves as prisoners of the corrupt Galactic Alliance General Stavin Thaal. Thaal held them captive in the lower levels of the Caridan animal exhibit on Vandor-3, using that location to perpetrate his criminal schemes across the galaxy. Even in captivity, Joyl's grandfather's skills in identity forgery were exploited, enabling Thaal to assume the new identity of Thadley Biolan and retire from the Galactic Alliance Defense Force. When Wraith Squadron initiated an investigation into Thaal's culpability in the Lecersen Conspiracy, Myri Antilles and Trey Courser of Wraith Squadron liberated the Joyls. As units of Wraith Squadron led by Bhindi Drayson and Sharr Latt were exposed within the animal exhibit, the Joyls united with them in a daring escape, seeking refuge in the fortress located at Mount Lyss. They remained there for several days, during which Joyl's grandfather divulged to Wraith Squadron the details of Thaal's transformation into Thadley Biolan. This information proved invaluable, aiding them in the successful completion of their mission. Subsequently, the Joyls accompanied Wraith Squadron in their departure from Vandor-3 aboard a shuttle, escorted by the renowned Wedge Antilles and Tycho Celchu, thus securing their long-awaited freedom.

