The Director of New Republic Intelligence (DNRI), alternatively known as the Supreme Commander of Intelligence, or the Secretary of Intelligence, was a high-ranking official within the New Republic's General Ministry. This individual reported to the Chief of State of the New Republic and acted as their primary advisor, as well as advising the Defense Council and Council on Security and Intelligence, on all intelligence matters pertinent to the Republic's security. Furthermore, they were in charge of the oversight and direction of the intelligence program operated by the New Republic.
The DNRI was ultimately responsible for all operations conducted by the NRIS, with the exception of those from which they were shielded by plausible deniability, such as the activities of Alpha Blue.
Upon the transformation of the New Republic into the Galactic Alliance, the role of Director of New Republic Intelligence evolved into the Director of Galactic Alliance Intelligence.
- Airen Cracken , 5 ABY – 10 ABY
- Crix Madine , 10 ABY – 12 ABY
- Airen Cracken , 12 ABY – 16 ABY
- Carlist Rieekan , 16 ABY — 17 ABY
- Airen Cracken , 17 ABY – 25 ABY
- Dif Scaur , 25 ABY – 28 ABY